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WeBWorK at SLU

WeBWorK is an online collaboration tool that allows instructors to deliver homework sets, also known as problem sets, to students over the internet.

WeBWorK provides immediate feedback, allowing students to continue to work until the correct solution is achieved. WeBWorK functions best in problem solving-based classes, such as mathematics, computer science or engineering.

WeBWorK also provides instructors with real-time statistics of how students are performing. WeBWorK uses both Perl and LaTeX code for inputting problems and solutions. Instructors also can individualize problems for each student, which can help discourage students from working with each other on homework.

WeBWorK Information for Administrators

WeBWorK allows professors to create dynamic problem sets and assign those sets to students. Students added to a course created within WeBWorK, can complete the homework problems assigned to them. As soon as a student answers a problem, it is possible for them to see whether the answer is correct. If the professor has set up the problem set to allow for more than one try per problem, the student may try the problem again if their answer was incorrect.

Professors must contact a WeBWorK administrator for a course to be generated. Before creating a course, be sure to have the course's and the professor's information, because WeBWorK will prompt you for some of this information during the course creation.

Note: If a professor already uses WeBWorK for one class and would like to add another, the same process must be followed. It is not possible for the professor to create another course.

For Instructors

Logging into WeBWorK

Instructors must log in to WeBWorK to perform any of the tasks required to operate a course. Managing a course cannot be done externally and must be done within WeBWorK.

Adding and Managing Students

Managing students in a course is essential to the success of the WeBWorK course. There are several ways to manage the list of students in your class. These include:

  • Adding students (manually or through a .lst file)
  • Deleting students
  • Changing students' passwords
  • Changing students' account information

Students cannot add themselves to the course and must be added by the instructor.

To add students manually, follow these step-by-step instructions for Adding Students in WeBWorK Manually. Students also can be added through a comma delimited list file with students and their information given.

When adding students through a class list, the class list file must follow a specific format for WeBWorK to upload the students properly.

Creating Problem Sets

Creating a problem set is one of the most important steps in a maintaining a successful WeBWorK course. The problems should accurately reflect the topics that were discussed in class and be the appropriate level of difficulty.

Please note: Very few WeBWorK instructors write their own problems. Most subject material in courses that are suited to WeBWork has already been covered by previous WeBWorK instructors, and there is no need to rewrite the problems.

If you wish to code your own problems, contact your department head to request information on how to accomplish that.

Assigning Problem Sets to Students

Problem sets must be made visible and assigned to students for students to complete them.

Viewing Problem Set Scores

WeBWorK will automatically score students' answers when they are submitted. Instructors do not need to go into WeBWorK and manually score problem answers provided by each student. It is possible for an instructor to view the scores students received on each homework set and to export the scores for a specific problem set to a file.

Communicating with Students

After problem sets are scored, instructors may want to send students an e-mail to discuss their scores. Instructors also may want to send an email to students with general announcements about the course. This can be done through the email page, which allows personalized emails to be sent.

WeBWorK Information For Students

WeBWorK allows students to complete homework assignments online. Your instructor can create a course online that corresponds with the physical class. WeBWorK also allows instructors to post homework assignments to be completed online.

Logging In To WeBWorK

Students must first log in to the course to complete these homework assignments. 

Some courses support guest login. Guest login allows students who are not enrolled to try WeBWorK. It also allows enrolled students to practice without affecting their score. To log in as a guest, click the "Guest Login" button on the login page.

Changing Your Email/Password

After the instructor has created your student account, students can log in to WeBWorK and change their personal settings (including email addresses and passwords).

Please Note: Only the instructor can change user names.

Completing Problem Sets

Completing problem sets is a core feature of WeBWorK. Professors can generate problem sets and answers, allowing immediate scoring when students complete the problems.

After answering a problem, students will be told whether or not the input answer is correct. Instructors determine how many attempts for each problem are allowed. Depending on these settings, students may be able to go back and change the answers.

. (A valid SLU email address and password are required.)

Viewing Homework Scores

After a homework set is due, the professor may decide to have grades posted online automatically. With this option, students can check scores of previously answered homework directly through WeBWorK.

Please Note: Students can download a hardcopy of homework for practice use. 

Contacting Your Instructor

Students may sometimes encounter errors using WeBWorK, either with a specific homework problem an instructor has assigned or an error within WeBWorK. In both situations, students can contact the instructor directly through WeBWorK with questions.