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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight168dq:F3ffff̙̙3f3fff3f3f33333f33333\`` Course Grid Course Listing - No GridCourse Descriptions !Codes_GoBack:>" _Hlk84927909< OLE_LINK1:   ;  ;>  ;   ;  ; Time & RoomProfessor First NameCourse Course Titleevening make up hoursPrimary Method of EvaluationRoom 8-9:50 PMMONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY Start DateEnd Date8-950 PM4-550 PM 6:00-7:50 PM6-750 PM Course NumberSection Number"International and Comparative Law Employment Law Health LawIP Abbreviation Bar courseConcentrationsCRN Professor 1032 (40)1243 (judges chambers) (10) 1122 (112) 1130 (112) 1174 (80) 1020 (40) 1030 (40) 1074 (80)905 (40)983 (seminar) (16)768 (40)774 (40)Professor Last NameTimeCreditsHLELICL 1208 CR (198) 4:00-5:50 PM 8:00-9:50 PM 1066 (79) 1166 (79)1230 (seminar) (15)1234 (seminar) (15)1238 (negotiation) (11)1240 (jury) (11)$1248 (seminar/flex video wall ) (19)Intellectual Property LawRollins30Course Description PrerequisitesMcInnisSATURDAYMary PatLAW9070LAW9060The objective of this course is development of client interviewing and counseling skills through simulation exercises. Enrollment limited. This course covers principles relating to management of the law firm, management of the legal work, and management of the individual as a professional person. The course will consist of in-class lectures, in-class reports and presentations, and attendance at the Missouri Bar Solo and Small Firm conference. Grades are based on written assignments, written and oral reports, class participation (including attendance at assigned sessions of the Missouri Bar Solo and Small Firm Conference), and a final project. Registration for the conference and lodging will be paid by the School of Law; transportation and meals are the responsibility of the student. 2Series of written assignments, class participationWritten assignments, exercisesELaw Practice Management (E)Client Counseling (E)Exp.Experiential RequirementConcentration/Grad RequirementWalkerAndersMulticultural LawyeringBanksKathryn2This course explores multiculturalism in lawyering through several different lenses.First, we will examine the reasons behind calls for diversity in the legal profession, examining how ordinary people view the culture of the law. Students will reflect on their own cultural backgrounds, consider implicit bias, and examine how to best navigate their own cultures as they interact with legal systems.Students will also explore how to best represent clients with a particular focus on understanding client goals and helping translate client values and culture into legal system values and culture, while always cognizant of their own values and cultures.Finally, students will assess case studies where failure to appreciate culture has had critical consequences.:Written exercises, class presentation, class participationLAW87551122LAW7055TR 6-750pm; W 8-950pmExam TR 6-750pmYouth in Conflict with the LawBenignoConstitutional Law II.Sat. 9-1215 (meets 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29) Petina6/1/2024LAW8714 5/20/2024 Family LawTaxationDrennanEnvironmental Human Rights LawBartlett Christine1074LAW7175yes MW 8-950pm1074 (limited to 16)1066William LAW71553TR 8-950pm; W 6-750pmLaurenM 6-750pm; T 8-950pmLAW7740SConstitutional Law II focuses on equal protection and substantive due process claims and doctrine under the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution. The course also considers constitutional doctrine under the Takings Clause, Contracts Clause, Second Amendment, and Fourteenth Amendment Privileges or Immunities Clause, and will introduce students to the Free Speech, Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the First Amendment. In addressing these subjects, it considers various modes of constitutional analysis and argument and a range of constitutional concepts.Climate change, raging wildfires, polluted drinking water, flooding, and droughts: the detriments of a human-caused environmental crisis. The world is changing, and with it, so are human rights law and environmental law. This course will focus on environmental human rights law, a rapidly developing area of human rights law. Applicable international law from international courts and tribunals, human rights treaty bodies and other human rights mechanisms will be examined. Legal relations of husband and wife with respect to person and property; conflict of laws; ante nuptial agreements; legal consequences of annulment, separation and divorce; separation agreements; division of property; alimony and maintenance; child support; child custody. TFederal income tax problems of individuals; gross income; exclusions; deductions; employee benefits; gains and losses; taxable persons; rates and returns; practice and procedure. Introduction to a comprehensive statutory scheme, a methodology for approaching that scheme; tax planning, tax research, and business terminology and time valueThis course will look at the complex relationship between children, the State, and the criminal legal system. We will examine the laws and polices that drive our nation s treatment of children who are deemed to be in violation of the law. Using the juvenile criminal legal system as our main frame of reference we will wrestle with questions such as: What rights does a child have? Are systems in place to protect the child, the victim, or the state? What is the role of the parents when a child is accused of violating the law? What does lawyering for children in this system look like? At what age should criminal culpability for children start/end? Should children stand trial in the adult criminal legal system? What does lawyering for children in this system look like? pMW 6-750pm & students must be available to attend the Missouri Bar solo and small firm conference June 6-8, 2024 1074 (limited to 24)1166KClient Counseling (E) (9-1215) Meets 6/1, 6/8, 6/15, 6/22, 6/29 (Room 1074),M 6-750pm; T 8-950pm; 3rd class asynchronous 3/15/2024D aEEAFsFGKfGG&H-L_L;Pm P XQ Q bT_ccB ZO ?,ʝ  dMbP?_*+%)+&F Page &P of &N&(\?'Q?(Q?)333333?MLAW-1008F--Student Services0C odXXLetterDINU"DA7SMTJD1NRX 7- ,MSCF,90R//Uncompressed-Data//OPCKUYHQ>Q\ \JsVq 4Gl2*-ZL3ꩇ(z *łͲz,(! 0;~wzn9_UXlE)UK|">J,WhGڡ2Xst4j75q Nͫ[Z/Mb3BT72W79{-ٲ)4tbQ6VvdUVuh>Я㪞-;aՃ |}x}ItR'+f0VU1 뙇SbpR4&j&j#7vj䧭9#/y(}x#*uy f{LM` E?%KZc"ꦉ28 IAwOSgF T!i0C.]:4vH&{K˦*O7G Z2*jZ=2RIw"nl&ښP}R,4o}o}VA490\2LK1cm0 ˆ"R)O56v|T1_捂'H\'uw#V,$2#ZهhޡfJݞxAJx1bO}S 1K$w:Q8jZ9n?e+]Pi |۔5i,/BxU;.ȢSޅpЁ{OaL÷COM5excel.exe eskerj(Xerox AltaLink B8155 16.0.17231.20236 Ď"XX?(\?&U} r} "V} F} !J} $F} s} !J} F} "J} F} J} F} J} F} G} I} $ F?c0^0R0LLLL@@ @ @ L @ @@@UUU@@@@ R0LLLL@@@@ d _` a ef g h a  e a  h a@ hb i j k l k m n k l  k  n  k  n  k ] d1 X Q \  \ \ [ \  [  \  [  \[ S u(KPK u(KPKP u( u)WPK u) PJ  J u) u&PPK u&PPKPJ u& u'zPK u'PPKPKPK u' r#WPK r#tPKHIHI r# r$PPI r$PIPIP  P r$ r PK r PItOtO r r3 PKPK r3 PPKPKPK r3 u% PPK u% PKyxPKPK u% r  WKPK r  PPKtI  I r r! 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