$FL2@(#) SPSS DATA FILE LINUX REDHAT spssio Y@10 Aug 2316:51:43 CASEID Case ID WEIGHT Missouri likely Voters Weight GROUP_TRGroup treatment @"@QA Vote frequency @"@QB 2024 Vote likelihood @"@CONSENT Consent @"@POLS001 /Approve/disapprove - job -- President Joe Biden @"@POLS002 +Approve/disapprove - job -- The US Congress @"@POLS007 0Approve/disapprove - job -- The US Supreme Court @"@POLS003 :Approve/disapprove - job -- The Missouri State Legislature @"@POLS004 0Approve/disapprove - job -- Governor Mike Parson @"@POLS006 /Approve/disapprove - job -- Senator Josh Hawley @"@POLS005 0Approve/disapprove - job -- Senator Eric Schmitt @"@V14_A :If presidential election held today who would you vote for @"@POLS008 5Candidate for President you be most likely to support @"@000V16_A JCandidate for president you would be most likely to support - Other (text)      POLS010 )Top priority of Missouri state government @"@V18_A 7Top priority of Missouri state government - Other (text                                POLS00 7Top priority of Missouri state government - Other (text POLS011 2Rate condition -- The Economy in the United States @"@POLS012 6Rate condition -- The Economy in the State of Missouri @"@POLS013 2Rate condition -- Public schools in your community @"@POLS014 9Rate condition -- Public schools in the State of Missouri @"@POLS015 )Rate condition -- Crime in your community @"@POLS017 2Rate condition -- Race relations in your community @"@POLS018 8Rate condition -- Your physical health in the last month @"@POLS019 6Rate condition -- Your mental health in the last month @"@POLS020 CRate condition -- Roads and infrastructure in the State of Missouri @"@POLS021 [Agree/disagree 1 -- The United States is on the right track and headed in a good direction. @"@POLS022 _Agree/disagree 1 -- The State of Missouri is on the right track and headed in a good direction. @"@POLS023 TAgree/disagree 1 -- The Missouri state government should spend more to aid the poor. @"@POLS024 Agree/disagree 1 -- The U.S. Supreme Court was correct in striking down President Biden’s student loan debt forgiveness program. @"@EDU003 #Best describes the area you live in @"@EDU001 Children currently in school @"@EDU002 Missouri School DistrictX@X@EDU002_T'Missouri School District - other (text)    EDU004 =What should your local school district make a higher priority                                EDU000 =What should your local school district make a higher priority                                EDU00A =What should your local school district make a higher priority                                EDU00B =What should your local school district make a higher priority                                EDU00C =What should your local school district make a higher priority                                EDU00D =What should your local school district make a higher priority                      EDU005 _Support/oppose policies 1 -- Charter schools should be allowed to operate in my school district @"@EDU006 cSupport/oppose policies 1 -- Charter schools should be allowed to operate in all areas of the state @"@EDU007 {Support/oppose policies 1 -- Public schools slated for closure should be able to convert to a charter school to remain open @"@EDU008 Support/oppose policies 1 -- Traditionally homeschooled students should have access to attend a charter school where students would split their time learning in school and at home @"@EDU009 qWould your local community support policies -- Charter schools should be allowed to operate in my school district @"@EDU010 uWould your local community support policies -- Charter schools should be allowed to operate in all areas of the state @"@EDU011 :Advise a young adult to take up teaching in public schools @"@EDU012 :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching                                EDU013 :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching                                EDU01A :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching                                EDU01B :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching                                EDU01C :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching                                EDU01D :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching                                XXXEDU01E :Why would you not advise a young adult to take up teaching           EDU013RUXBest guess of average salary of K-12 public school teacher in your local school districtEDU014 %Public school teacher salaries should @"@EDU015 EHow big of a problem is the K-12 teacher shortage in your local area? @"@EDU016 *Trust/confidence in public school teachers @"@POLS026 Favor/oppose policies 2 -- Colleges being allowed to consider an applicant’s race among other factors when making decisions on admissions @"@POLS027 Favor/oppose policies 2 -- Marriages between same-sex couples should be recognized by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages @"@POLS028 Favor/oppose policies 2 -- Allowing transgender student athletes to play on sports teams that match their gender identity, rather than the gender they were assigned at birth @"@EDU017 Favor/oppose public schools being allowed to (sexuality) -- discuss sexual orientation issues with students in elementary schools @"@EDU018 }Favor/oppose public schools being allowed to (sexuality) -- discuss sexual orientation issues with students in middle schools @"@EDU019 {Favor/oppose public schools being allowed to (sexuality) -- discuss sexual orientation issues with students in high schools @"@EDU020 mFavor/oppose public schools being allowed to (sexuality) -- ban books with stories about gay or lesbian youth @"@EDU021 {Favor/oppose public schools being allowed to (gender) -- discuss gender identity issues with students in elementary schools @"@EDU022 wFavor/oppose public schools being allowed to (gender) -- discuss gender identity issues with students in middle schools @"@EDU023 uFavor/oppose public schools being allowed to (gender) -- discuss gender identity issues with students in high schools @"@EDU024 iFavor/oppose public schools being allowed to (gender) -- ban books with stories about transgendered youth @"@POLS029 gFavor/oppose allowing someone under 18 to receive gender transition care -- gender affirming counseling @"@POLS030 Favor/oppose allowing someone under 18 to receive gender transition care -- hormone therapy or medication that can temporarily prevent the effects of puberty @"@POLS031 dFavor/oppose allowing someone under 18 to receive gender transition care -- gender affirming surgery @"@SEXUALITSexual Orientation @"@TRANSGEN Transgender @"@GUNOWN Personal gun ownership X@X@COUNTY_F county_fips @COUNTY_N county_name   NCHS_CODNCHS_Code_2013 USR_CLASUSR_Classification HRSA_CLAHRSA_Classification CENSUS_CCensus_Classification COUNTYNACountyName_Census   MO_REGIO MO_Region AGENUM agenum AGEGROUP Age group INCGROUP Income groupBIRTHYR Birth Year GENDER Gender @"@RACE RaceX@X@EDUC Education @"@MARSTAT Marital Status @"@EMPLOY Employment Status X@X@FAMINC_N Family income 0@8@CHILD18 "Children under age 18 in household @"@PID3 3 point party ID @"@PID7 7 point Party IDX@X@PRESVOTE!2016 President Vote Post Election X@X@V88_A !2020 President Vote Post Election @"@INPUTSTAState of Residence 0@8@INPUTZIPResidence zip code VOTEREG Voter Registration Status @"@IDEO5 Ideology @"@NEWSINT Political Interest X@X@RELIGPEWReligionX@X@PEW_CHURChurch attendance (Pew version) X@X@PEW_BORNBorn Again (Pew version) @"@PEW_RELI$Importance of religion (Pew version) @"@PEW_PRAY!Frequency of Prayer (Pew version) X@X@STARTTIMQuestionnaire Start TimeENDTIME Questionnaire End Time ?Group A@Group B @skipped"@ not asked ?Always @ Nearly always @Part of the time @Seldom @Never @skipped"@ not asked ?Almost certain to vote @ Probably vote @Chances are 50-50 @Not likely to vote @ Will not vote @ I'm not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Yes @No @skipped"@ not asked ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked  ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked  ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked  ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked  ?Strongly approve @Approve@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked  ? Joe Biden (Democratic Candidate) @Republican Candidate @Other @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ? Donald Trump @ Ron DeSantis @ Nikki Haley @ Mike Pence @ Tim Scott @Other @skipped"@ not asked ?Economy@ Health care @ Education @Infrastructure @Other @skipped"@ not asked ? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked 8? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked 9? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked :? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ;? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked <? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked =? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked >? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?? Excellent @Good @Fair @Poor @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked @?Agree @Disagree @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked A?Agree @Disagree @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked B?Agree @Disagree @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked C?Agree @Disagree @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked D?Rural @Urban @Suburban @skipped"@ not asked E?Yes @No @skipped"@ not asked F? $district1 @ $district2 @ $district3 @ $district4 @ $district5 @ $district6 @ $district7 @ $district8 "@ $district9 $@ $district10 &@ $district11 (@ $district12 *@ $district13 ,@Other X@skippedX@ not asked G?Support@Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Support@Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Support@Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Support@Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Local community would support @Local community would oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Local community would support @Local community would oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Yes @No @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Increase @Decrease @ Stay the same @skipped"@ not asked ?A very big problem @Somewhat of a problem @Not a very big problem @ Not a problem @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ? A great deal @ A good amount @ Just some @No, do not have confidence @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Favor @Oppose @Not Sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Heterosexual / straight@Lesbian / gay woman @Gay man@Bisexual @Other @Prefer not to say @skipped"@ not asked ?Yes @No @Prefer not to say @skipped"@ not asked ?Personally own a gun @CDon't personally own a gun, but someone in the household owns a gun @"No one in the household owns a gun @Not sure X@skippedX@ not asked @ ?Rural @Small Medium Metro @Suburban @Urban ?Rural @Urban @Suburban ?Urban @Rural ?Northeast Missouri @Northwest Missouri @Southwest Missouri @Southeast Missouri @Kansas City Metro Area @St. Louis Metro Area ?65+ @45-64 @30-44 @18-29 ? Under $50k @ $50k - $100k @ $100k or more ?Male @Female @skipped"@ not asked  ?White @Black @Hispanic @Asian @Native American@Two or more races @Other @Middle Eastern X@skippedX@ not asked ?No HS @High school graduate @ Some college @2-year @4-year @ Post-grad @skipped"@ not asked ?Married@ Separated @Divorced @Widowed@ Never married @Domestic / civil partnership @skipped"@ not asked  ? Full-time @ Part-time @Temporarily laid off @ Unemployed @Retired@Permanently disabled @ Homemaker @Student"@Other X@skippedX@ not asked ?Less than $10,000 @$10,000 - $19,999 @$20,000 - $29,999 @$30,000 - $39,999 @$40,000 - $49,999 @$50,000 - $59,999 @$60,000 - $69,999 @$70,000 - $79,999 "@$80,000 - $99,999 $@$100,000 - $119,999 &@$120,000 - $149,999 (@$150,000 - $199,999 *@$200,000 - $249,999 ,@$250,000 - $349,999 .@$350,000 - $499,999 0@$500,000 or more @X@Prefer not to say 0@skipped8@ not asked ?Yes @No @skipped"@ not asked ?Democrat @ Republican @ Independent @Other @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked  ?Strong Democrat@Not very strong Democrat @ Lean Democrat @ Independent @Lean Republican@Not very strong Republican @Strong Republican @Not sure "@ Don't know X@skippedX@ not asked  ?Hillary Clinton@ Donald Trump @ Gary Johnson @ Jill Stein @ Evan McMullin @Other @Did not vote for President X@skippedX@ not asked ? Joe Biden @ Donald Trump @ Jo Jorgensen @ Howie Hawkins @Other @Did not vote for President @skipped"@ not asked L?Alabama@Alaska @Arizona@Arkansas @ California @Colorado "@ Connecticut $@Delaware &@District of Columbia (@Florida*@Georgia.@Hawaii 0@Idaho 1@Illinois 2@Indiana3@Iowa 4@Kansas 5@Kentucky 6@ Louisiana 7@Maine 8@Maryland 9@ Massachusetts :@Michigan ;@ Minnesota <@ Mississippi =@Missouri >@Montana?@Nebraska @@Nevada @@ New Hampshire A@ New Jersey A@ New Mexico B@New York B@North Carolina C@ North Dakota C@Ohio D@Oklahoma D@Oregon E@ Pennsylvania F@ Rhode Island F@South Carolina G@ South Dakota G@ Tennessee H@Texas H@Utah I@VermontI@Virginia J@ Washington K@ West Virginia K@ Wisconsin L@WyomingN@American Samoa P@Federated States of Micronesia P@Guam Q@Marshall Islands @Q@Northern Mariana Islands Q@Palau R@ Puerto Rico R@U.S. Minor Outlying Islands S@Virgin Islands @T@AlbertaT@British Columbia T@Manitoba U@ New Brunswick @U@ Newfoundland U@Northwest Territories U@ Nova Scotia V@Nunavut@V@OntarioV@Prince Edward Island V@Quebec W@ Saskatchewan @W@Yukon TerritoryX@Not in the U.S. or Canada 0@skipped8@ not asked ?Yes @No @ Don't know @skipped"@ not asked ? Very liberal @Liberal@Moderate @ Conservative @Very conservative @Not sure @skipped"@ not asked ?Most of the time @Some of the time @Only now and then @ Hardly at all @ Don't know X@skippedX@ not asked ? Protestant @Roman Catholic @Mormon @Eastern or Greek Orthodox @Jewish @Muslim @Buddhist @Hindu "@Atheist$@Agnostic &@Nothing in particular (@Something else X@skippedX@ not asked   ?More than once a week @ Once a week @Once or twice a month @A few times a year @Seldom @Never @ Don't know X@skippedX@ not asked  ?Yes @No @skipped"@ not asked  ?Very important @Somewhat important @Not too important @Not at all important @skipped"@ not asked   ?Several times a day @ Once a day @A few times a week @ Once a week @A few times a month @Seldom @Never @ Don't know X@skippedX@ not asked  $POLS001_grid=C 66 Do you approve or disapprove of the way each is doing their job... pols001 pols002 pols007 pols003 pols004 pols006 pols005 $POLS010_grid=C 52 How would you rate the condition of the following... pols011 pols012 pols013 pols014 pols015 pols017 pols018 pols019 pols020 $POLS020_grid=C 55 Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? pols021 pols022 pols023 pols024 $EDU005_grid=C 48 Do you support or oppose the following policies? edu005 edu006 edu007 edu008 $EDU009_grid=C 73 Do you think your local community would support the following policies... edu009 edu010 $POLS026_grid=C 46 Do you favor or oppose the following policies? pols026 pols027 pols028 $EDU017_grid=C 58 Do you favor or oppose public schools being allowed to...? edu017 edu018 edu019 edu020 $EDU021_grid=C 58 Do you favor or oppose public schools being allowed to...? edu021 edu022 edu023 edu024 $POLS029_grid=C 103 Do you favor or oppose allowing someone younger than 18 to receive gender transition medical care like: pols029 pols030 pols031  P0222222222222222 fCASEID=caseid WEIGHT=weight GROUP_TR=group_treat QA=QA QB=QB CONSENT=consent POLS001=POLS001 POLS002=POLS002 POLS007=POLS007 POLS003=POLS003 POLS004=POLS004 POLS006=POLS006 POLS005=POLS005 V14_A=POLS007_s POLS008=POLS008 V16_A=POLS008_t POLS010=POLS010 V18_A=POLS010_t POLS011=POLS011 POLS012=POLS012 POLS013=POLS013 POLS014=POLS014 POLS015=POLS015 POLS017=POLS017 POLS018=POLS018 POLS019=POLS019 POLS020=POLS020 POLS021=POLS021 POLS022=POLS022 POLS023=POLS023 POLS024=POLS024 EDU003=EDU003 EDU001=EDU001 EDU002=EDU002 EDU002_T=EDU002_t EDU004=EDU004 EDU005=EDU005 EDU006=EDU006 EDU007=EDU007 EDU008=EDU008 EDU009=EDU009 EDU010=EDU010 EDU011=EDU011 EDU012=EDU012 EDU013RU=EDU013rule EDU014=EDU014 EDU015=EDU015 EDU016=EDU016 POLS026=POLS026 POLS027=POLS027 POLS028=POLS028 EDU017=EDU017 EDU018=EDU018 EDU019=EDU019 EDU020=EDU020 EDU021=EDU021 EDU022=EDU022 EDU023=EDU023 EDU024=EDU024 POLS029=POLS029 POLS030=POLS030 POLS031=POLS031 SEXUALIT=sexuality TRANSGEN=transgender GUNOWN=gunown COUNTY_F=county_fips COUNTY_N=county_name NCHS_COD=NCHS_Code_2013 USR_CLAS=USR_Classification HRSA_CLA=HRSA_Classification CENSUS_C=Census_Classification COUNTYNA=CountyName_Census MO_REGIO=MO_Region AGENUM=agenum AGEGROUP=agegroup INCGROUP=incgroup BIRTHYR=birthyr GENDER=gender RACE=race EDUC=educ MARSTAT=marstat EMPLOY=employ FAMINC_N=faminc_new CHILD18=child18 PID3=pid3 PID7=pid7 PRESVOTE=presvote16post V88_A=presvote20post INPUTSTA=inputstate INPUTZIP=inputzip VOTEREG=votereg IDEO5=ideo5 NEWSINT=newsint RELIGPEW=religpew PEW_CHUR=pew_churatd PEW_BORN=pew_bornagain PEW_RELI=pew_religimp PEW_PRAY=pew_prayer STARTTIM=starttime ENDTIME=endtime%V18_A=257 EDU004=1434 EDU012=1600 ~caseid:$@Role('0' )/weight:$@Role('0' )/group_treat:$@Role('0' )/QA:$@Role('0' )/QB:$@Role('0' )/consent:$@Role('0' )/POLS001:$@Role('0' )/POLS002:$@Role('0' )/POLS007:$@Role('0' )/POLS003:$@Role('0' )/POLS004:$@Role('0' )/POLS006:$@Role('0' )/POLS005:$@Role('0' )/POLS007_s:$@Role('0' )/POLS008:$@Role('0' )/POLS008_t:$@Role('0' )/POLS010:$@Role('0' )/POLS010_t:$@Role('0' )/POLS011:$@Role('0' )/POLS012:$@Role('0' )/POLS013:$@Role('0' )/POLS014:$@Role('0' )/POLS015:$@Role('0' )/POLS017:$@Role('0' )/POLS018:$@Role('0' )/POLS019:$@Role('0' )/POLS020:$@Role('0' )/POLS021:$@Role('0' )/POLS022:$@Role('0' )/POLS023:$@Role('0' )/POLS024:$@Role('0' )/EDU003:$@Role('0' )/EDU001:$@Role('0' )/EDU002:$@Role('0' )/EDU002_t:$@Role('0' )/EDU004:$@Role('0' )/EDU005:$@Role('0' )/EDU006:$@Role('0' )/EDU007:$@Role('0' )/EDU008:$@Role('0' )/EDU009:$@Role('0' )/EDU010:$@Role('0' )/EDU011:$@Role('0' )/EDU012:$@Role('0' )/EDU013rule:$@Role('0' )/EDU014:$@Role('0' )/EDU015:$@Role('0' )/EDU016:$@Role('0' )/POLS026:$@Role('0' )/POLS027:$@Role('0' )/POLS028:$@Role('0' )/EDU017:$@Role('0' )/EDU018:$@Role('0' )/EDU019:$@Role('0' )/EDU020:$@Role('0' )/EDU021:$@Role('0' )/EDU022:$@Role('0' )/EDU023:$@Role('0' )/EDU024:$@Role('0' )/POLS029:$@Role('0' )/POLS030:$@Role('0' )/POLS031:$@Role('0' )/sexuality:$@Role('0' )/transgender:$@Role('0' )/gunown:$@Role('0' )/county_fips:$@Role('0' )/county_name:$@Role('0' )/NCHS_Code_2013:$@Role('0' )/USR_Classification:$@Role('0' )/HRSA_Classification:$@Role('0' )/Census_Classification:$@Role('0' )/CountyName_Census:$@Role('0' )/MO_Region:$@Role('0' )/agenum:$@Role('0' )/agegroup:$@Role('0' )/incgroup:$@Role('0' )/birthyr:$@Role('0' )/gender:$@Role('0' )/race:$@Role('0' )/educ:$@Role('0' )/marstat:$@Role('0' )/employ:$@Role('0' )/faminc_new:$@Role('0' )/child18:$@Role('0' )/pid3:$@Role('0' )/pid7:$@Role('0' )/presvote16post:$@Role('0' )/presvote20post:$@Role('0' )/inputstate:$@Role('0' )/inputzip:$@Role('0' )/votereg:$@Role('0' )/ideo5:$@Role('0' )/newsint:$@Role('0' )/religpew:$@Role('0' )/pew_churatd:$@Role('0' )/pew_bornagain:$@Role('0' )/pew_religimp:$@Role('0' )/pew_prayer:$@Role('0' )/starttime:$@Role('0' )/endtime:$@Role('0' )UTF-8eeeeem9/A-*?gmghhem__NA__ g__NA__ fffgmgmmmffeggfe__NA__ Teaching history truly and accurately. efgfegfI am a teacher and would not go into that profession again. Terrible pay, worse respect, absurd overreach of legislatures, and the kicking boy for parents. Do we need great teachers? Absolutely. Society has to step up to make that work. efeg@efeeefeeefeeeefeehfei@Jackson MO iegJackson MO x@eejeiofggeeegeA@mifhk Bػ B5Aeeeehme>I?meeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmemmmfefegff__NA__ Getting back to the basics of teaching reading, writing and math. Schools spend way too much time on stuff that will not prepare our children for college or even life in general. Those that can afford to are already pulling their children out of public sc hools. Many more to follow if corrections are not made. eeeeeefOur public school system is a mess. Spend way too much time on equity, equality and other stuff. Need to get back to the basics of teaching reading, writing, history and math effff@"@ffffefffefffefgj@fggeJefferson MO Jeffersojeffn MO p@eiefkfghffegee @feefH B BZ9AZ?eeeeemhmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffggmgmmmefegfeh__NA__ Stop supporting district 33A giving away funds for education to give builders the tax dollars intended to support education. ffffffe__NA__ effeef@geeffeefgggefgi@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO iegeeH@ieioeeeeeeeepg`P@fhkfp B BF=Am?eeehfmfffffjVivek Ramaswamy h__NA__ hfhggmeehmmmmffe__NA__ Good basic education eeeeeefgood education is no longer a priority for government gfhfeff`@gegfgegfffefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO iggfgj@genfghffegeiffM@fffe@ B Bj9A!}?eehgmfgfffi__NA__ h__NA__ gffgfmgfhmmmmgfg__NA__ Early childhood reading and math skills. Adopting school uniforms. eeeegge__NA__ @@efffefffefffefeffefe^@Cole MO hffeeCole MO eeeje@iffjffegeeiee@fefeH BxA B;KA&y?ehmfmfgihi__NA__ h__NA__ ggggmgmmmfgfegfe__NA__ The basics: Reading, writing, arithmetic. Basic history and civics. eeeggge__NA__ e`@fffeffgegfgeggffefef@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO ffeejei@mffkji@eheehffjeeeeЇ B B@Ad. ?hmfmfeefee__NA__ __NA__ hgfgmfmmmfefeefe__NA__ Education ggegggg__NA__ ei w@ffefffegffeefffefehf@j@Jasper MO fegfJasper MO geeieeo@ffkffe @ifojffi( Beeeef BKAɪ?mhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fggggmgggmmmmefg__NA__ Safety gggeggfStressful effgP@effeeffeefeeeefefggf@n@Lincoln MO effLincoln MO @eeheemfeeeeefe`@fhfff. B BkGAeeeehmeuD?mfeeff__NA__ h__NA__ gfghmgmmmfefegff__NA__ Basic learning and abolish wokeness eeeeeefNot enough discipline in public schools gggff@ffffefffefffefe@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijeges MO l@eiefrffjffehee@gfefh B  B8=AM?eeeehmfmfeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfefegff__NA__ No opinion eeegggfI oppose the mainstream liberal agenda in our schools gigfefz@fffffffffffefl@St. Charfggeles MO St. Charles MO jfgfe@iehpffkffeieei@ffeeQ Bd BhUA=f?eeehmemeeefe__NA__ h__NA__ hfffmfmmmfefegff__NA__ Eliminate WOKE-focus on education! eeeeeefTeachers union has too much power and is focusing on their own agenda gghffff@ffefffefffefe@{@Platte MO fggePlatte MO iefeegT@eilffkffeiefef@S@eefe2 Bء2 B8Aei,?eefgmhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fffgfmffgmmmmgfg__NA__ My youngest child graduated high school two years ago. At that time I felt a greater emphasis on and variety of foreign language education would be a boon to an already very highly rated public school district. fffegee__NA__ @egfeeffeeffeefeffefei@Jackson MO ehfeiJackson MO fgeeje@enfggeeegeniff G@efff B B)A, ?efhmhhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ ffefimffhmmmmgfh__NA__ Not having a racist board of education dictating policy.ffgfggfI’ve taught since 1980. Culture wars have made teachers the ‘boogeyman “, for no apparent reasoning. Teachers are professionals but are treated like trash. People who have attended school think they know what it is like, they then make policies to e ndear them as culture war heroes. We also chase after the next big thing and throw money at it. Kagan strategies pops into my mind. All the training, the learning aids, etc. everyone wants and a few years later it’s all in storage. I am not convinced th e quality of education can be changed by throwing a quantity, in this case money, at it.e@@ffeeffeeffeefeeeefef@St. Charles MO ggejSt. Charles MO egeejee@nfghje@egeeiffefeee' BH B?KA!}?hfmffeffee__NA__ __NA__ hfefemeefmmmmgfe__NA__ Teach shop and home economics....Make sure CRT is not apart of the curriculum...Teach the constitution. eeeefffIt's not paid well enough and the union is too strong...ei@gfefffeeffeeeffefefg@@St. Louis MO gejeSt. Louis MO geejeer@ffkffe@henjfhkȼ% BeeeefH& B82A `?mfmghhemf__NA__ __NA__ ffgfmfmmmffffefrMcDonald County R1 Don't know eeeffgg__NA__ efgP@gffffeefffeegfeeejeeT@Barton MO fgeeBarton MO eefejgf@eeeeeh@eeiefe0 BX BeeeeemM:Ar" ?gmghhem__NA__ e__NA__ fffgmgmmmffeggff__NA__ Education gggeeefSchools have become a battleground for culture wars and silly political posturing. Governments do not support teachers or schools generally. Teachers are not respected or valued as a general rule. It is a difficult job where too much is expected for too l ittle reward. effeL@egeeefeeefeegefgfgge@St. Charles MO jeSt. Charles MO @fegjffeeeeefe@mjfhk B' BDAeeeehmf]N?meeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfefeefg__NA__ Reading, writing, and arithmeticeeeeeeg__NA__ eghff@@ffffefffefffefeY@hffeCape Girardeau MO Cape Girhefeardeau MO l@efeijffkkfehee`!@feeeH= B8a B@KA&y?feeehhmfeiigjLibertarian candidate TBiD Staying out of the way of productive people. gfgggmeffmmmmgfe__NA__ Economics education eeggeefModern public education is fit for training slaves and drones for the state. gfgfef @fggeffgefffeffj@Jeffersofggen MO Jefferson MO jfgee@jeeofghggefefh@ffeeh BX B[GAm6ڢ?feehmgmfeffe__NA__ g__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfegeeef__NA__ Education feeggeg__NA__ effffffZ@eeeffgeeffefe@R@Adair MOieeeAdair MOeeffef@eelefkffeheeje@ffffV B j B5Ah7?eehgmffiffi__NA__ e__NA__ hgggfmghgmmmmefj__NA__ more votech eeeeggflow pay @efhfffffgeffgefffefeV@Boone MOhffeeBoone MOffeiie@hkfgiggegeehff@@gefe( BP B5Ac>?egmhmhhhgjRobert Kennedy iUniversal Basic Income hhhhmfmmmfffeffg__NA__ Teaching students eeeeeee__NA__ e@fgeefffffffffeffefgei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO fgeeijf؞@pfggke@N@efemjfhkefee B BAKAc'z?fmhmfhiemg__NA__ __NA__ ffhhmfmmmegegefe__NA__ Less sports, more attention to the academics and how to manage money and life. ggggggg__NA__ ef`@iegfgggegggggggefghfX@Callaway MO ffeeCallaway MO feegeimh@fefeee`@geegeee % BfeeehD% BAKA!}?gmfeeefhh__NA__ __NA__ ggfghmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ Classroom discipline and teacher retention ffgeffg__NA__ eefO@fgfffeeffeefffefefgg]@Clay MO eiegClay MO eejeenf@ghffegN@eeeeeg BpA Bffeefg*5Ag-d?mhghhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffgggmgfhmmmmefe__NA__ improving basic skills in math and reading ffgfffg__NA__ effe@egeeefeeefegfefehffeV@Boone MOeegBoone MO@eeieiqfefeeege@njfhjH B B6Affeefhmɪ?hhghgjGavin Newsom g__NA__ ghghgmfggmmmmffg__NA__ Emphasizing critical thinking skills and no homework. ffffggfTeachers are treated poorly my both parents and the state government. efeee@f@egeefgeefeeggfg@e@gffeGreene MO Greene MgfeeO @egijefggeeeefo@jfhk B B$::A{?eeeehmfmfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhmgmmmfegeffe__NA__ A focus on readying, writing, math, science and social studies and less of a focus on equity and inclusion, trauma, victimhood, and the dumbing down of everything being taught. I know. I worked in KCPS for 28 years. It is not good. eefeegg__NA__ eehfff@feegffegfffefgi@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO ifgee@jeinfhiffeiefgO@fehe B) Bo69Ag-d?eeefmhmhhhem__NA__ iequal rights protection fffgmgmmmefefgfg__NA__ career planning & development. the district has a great vo-tech program, but more needs to be done in exposure and development of building & trades ffffgge__NA__ efeeeeg w@eefgeefeegefei@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO iefeei@eimfeeeeefemjf@Q@hkee  Bx/ BA52?eehmfmgfffe__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhmgmmmfgfegfj__NA__ Teaching the basics not indoctrinating. gggefffToo much political b.s. @eehfeffffgfffgfffefe@@Webster MO gfffgWebster MO feeege@igfgiffeheniff @effe BH BBKA-*?eegmhghhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffffgmffgmmmmffg__NA__ reading writing and mathggeeeee__NA__ e@ffgegfeeffeefeeeefgh^@Cole MO ffeeCole MO egeejeft@ofeeee@egemjfhkffee@ BX  B#2A{5?hgmffeffhg__NA__ __NA__ ffffgmfegmmmmgff__NA__ Basics, ensuring each student can read, write and do math. eegeeee__NA__ eiЁ@gffffgeeffeegffefefg@@St. Louis MO gejeSt. Louis MO geejeipX@ffkffe@@ieefeef8 Bfeeee By95ǍU`?hmhhhhemf__NA__ __NA__ fgghgmffhmmmmgfg__NA__ Getting rid of the far right extremists on our school boards and paying attention to the real history of our country, allowing students to read and discuss what can be uncomfortable to some parents and keep religious beliefs at the level of education of d ifferent cultures and not indoctrination into believing and following any one religion. ffffggg__NA__ egg@feeeeefeeefeeeefgfgg@St. Charles MO ejeSt. Charles MO fejgifd@eeeeee@eiffei`` B BefeeemBKA?hmhhiem__NA__ g__NA__ ghghmgmmmefefgfg__NA__ Diversity, equality and inclusion eefeffe__NA__ eege@eeeeefeeefeeeefgfgge@St. Charles MO jffSt. Charles MO ؞@fejiekfeeeeeff@fhffg/ BC BCAfeeehgm*f?eeeeff__NA__ e__NA__ gghghmfffmmmmgff__NA__ how about doing whatever it takes to get out of the list of top 10 worst school districts in the state? Removing troublemaker children so the rest can learn, that's a start. More reading programs. Defund Head Start, which even the government agrees does n ot lead to long term benefits (that should free up boatloads of money). Remove bad teachers. eeeeeee__NA__ gggffp@ffffgfffffffefg@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijfges MO @ejeepfgiffehfe@ifgk B BAKu?eeeefmhmihhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffegmgmmmefefgfg__NA__ Stem programs fffgeeg__NA__ eifeeg @efefffefeeeefe@{@Platte MfggeO Platte MO iegee|@gejpfeeeeegefk@S@fhieH4 BD B@A?feehmfmfeffe__NA__ h__NA__ hghhmgmmmfffegff__NA__ Teaching Reading, Writing and ArithmeticeegefgfBecause they would be forced into the teachers' union and forced to indoctrinate instead of teaching. gigffff@ffgfffefffefli@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO iffej@iefhhffeiefef@F@eeff B B@ACP(?eehhmggeefe__NA__ h__NA__ hhhhhmffhmmmmefe__NA__ Shop class, home economics, English, mathematicseeeeeefThe inmates are running the asylum and 90%of the administrators are sexual perverts and child molesters.@gfhffffffffffffffefeV@Boone MOhffeeBoone MOfgeege@epfhiffeieeieh @efee# B@; BAAa3)?egimffefff__NA__ e__NA__ hhgghmfefmmmmgff__NA__ Transparency with parents and teaching the basics eegeeefAll the extra drama beyond basic reading, writing, math etc. School are not transparent these days about what all is taught to your child. g@ihfffffgeffgefffefei@@Taney MOeeegTaney MOgfeeiee@jefjjf@eheefefgfeee B BCAh?hgmffeefff__NA__ __NA__ ggfggmffgmmmmefg__NA__ To have the best teachers, equipment, tech, and buildings. ffeeffe__NA__ ee @ffgfffeefffeeffefehfa@DeKalb MO fffeDeKalb MO feegeil@ffkffez@ieefeeeE Befeeh] B2Aڐ ?mgmffgffg__NA__ __NA__ ggegmfmmmfefefff__NA__ Education and less woke agenda. eegggefThe job has become really difficult for teachers. They are not backed by the school system or the parents. It has become dangerous for the teachers. eif@ffffffefffefgfeflgff\@Christian MO egeChristian MO fefeif`@ghffeg @feifgj B BfeeehgT2A=f?meeeeff__NA__ h__NA__ hggifmeehmmmmgff__NA__ Return to a classical education.eegefffThey would be under pressure to teach what the teacher's union want taught and how. gigfpk@efffeeffeefffefefgge@St. Charles MO jefSt. Charles MO X@eegeimfgiffeie@efeee B B.Aeeeehmf=f?meeefe__NA__ e__NA__ heefmemmmfeeeefe__NA__ Just keep all that you are doing. It's a good job!! eeeegge__NA__ gheef`@ffffefffefffefe@Y@jeefCamden MO Camden MgegeO L@eghinffkffeief@efee B B2L9A-]?feeehfmffeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hghhhmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ Teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic. Stop the teaching of climate change. God changes the weather, we do not. eeeeeefThe teacher unions are only concerned about their union and teaching CRT which is illegal. The curriculum should be reading, writing, and arithmetic. Not CRT or gender bending. Parents must have input on what is being taught. A young teacher would indoctr inated to teach Marxism.ffhfff@fffefffefffefl@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jfej@jiiffkffeheff @feee BH Bfc1AԔuJ@feeemhmghiem__NA__ h__NA__ ffffmhmmmeeeegfe__NA__ Have not lived here long enough to know eeeeeee__NA__ gifeeee8@eeffeefeeeefe@[@Cass MO fggeCass MO ieeefj@iiifeeeeefeohe`J@fiffX B{ B&@Ah?eehgmffeefe__NA__ h__NA__ hgffhmfhhmmmmgfg__NA__ Civics, history, critical thinking, math, science and reading. eeeeeee__NA__ @efffefffeeffeefffefe@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO efeege@jmfgiffeheeiff@iffeh B8 B%>2A\?efgmghhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ggiggmgfhmmmmgff__NA__ more suoolies for the teachers ggggggfYou can make a better wage doing almost anything else eP]@iffffeeeeeeeeeffefgei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO fefehii@ffeeeeC@egfehefefeee BP B-89A˽U?hhmfeeefjeVivek Ramaswamy __NA__ hgghgmgefmmmmgfg__NA__ Support teachers by having better discipline of studentseegefffPay and the lack of supports from parents and school administration ef 2@hffffffefffefffefgfg]@Clay MO geieClay MO geehein|@ffkffeH@ieeifgj BffeefP BGKA< ?imgghheme__NA__ __NA__ fggfhmfghmmmmffe__NA__ not sureggggggg__NA__ eif@eefgeefeeefeggefeehf@St. Louis city MO ejffSt. Louis city MO feigemf@efeeef@eeiegj B( Bfeeehf79Aol?mffeife__NA__ e__NA__ hggggmgfgmmmmefg__NA__ Avoid wokeism, teach academics eegegee__NA__ giff`@gffffgffggfffefgfggfl@Lafayette MO fefLafayette MO @fejeijfgiffeheI@eeeee( B BiUAefeehmi?meeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhmgmmmfgfefff__NA__ Education. Teach the students history,math,science. All the things they used to teach. Put less focus on gender and sexual orientation. Keep that out of the classroom. eeegggfToo dangerous. Kids today are being raised with no respect for anyone or anything. You give them a failing grade because they don’t do the work you are taking the chance of being beaten up or possibly shot. It’s not worth the risk gfffe@ffffefffefffefe@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijfefs MO @efeihfgiffegfo@jfgg 5 B45 BGKAZ?feeeegmhfhhem__NA__ g__NA__ eeegfmeefmmmmgfg__NA__ Generally, I believe the district provide a high quality education to all students willing to learn. fgfggefMissouri teachers are underpaid and frequently lack support of the school administrators. In some urban areas, teachers are at risk of personal injury. effeeg @feeffeefeggefe@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jegee\@ihenfefeeegeei`@ffff~ B8 BHKA-*?eeeefmfghgem__NA__ e__NA__ ffffimgegmmmmefh__NA__ Teaching the children the truth about slavery and oppression ggeegge__NA__ eiegeee @eefeeefeffefg@e@Greene MO gffeGreene MO geeejP@hifggeeegehif @ffee- BD B@A< ?eeemhmghhem__NA__ g__NA__ fgfgmfmmmffefefj__NA__ Teacher pay and retention has improved recently, but teacher morale remains low due to a lack of support from the community. Many teachers feel unfairly targeted by the far-right messaging accusing them of “indoctrinating” children, when in reality, t eachers stick very close to the state required curriculum. CRT and gender/LGBTQ topics are not discussed in the classroom as conspiracy theorists would have the public believe. Book bans are also problematic. The misinformation and outright lies has place d teachers in a very uncomfortable and dangerous position. The local district needs to push back when these issues are brought up at board meetings. They need to protect the teachers, and students, from conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality. ffggggfThe pay is not enough to keep up with the cost of living. The amount of education and continuing education required to be a highly qualified teacher is significant. Other professions pay much more and have lower education requirements. School shootings an d threats are a constant source of stress. Students and parents who blame teachers for failing grades and/or poor performance are now the norm, not the exception. Dealing with a large population of English language learners and other learning barriers has made providing a quality education for all students nearly impossible. Class sizes have increased but help and support for teachers has declined due to lack of funding and teacher shortages. @eefeeefeeffeefegfefey@Pettis MO ieeefPettis MO fffeie@ikeeeeeefeojfg@jfeep) B_ BGr9A(x7k?ehfmffeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfhfmffhmmmmefi__NA__ Reading, Writing, Math, Science, Historyeegefee__NA__ gP.@fgffffffgfffefffefei@k@Johnson MO eeffJohnson MO fgfegef@nfgiffE@eheeieegefee@\ Bhn BV=1Aڐ ?hmfmfeffee__NA__ __NA__ hgffmfmmmfegeefg__NA__ lunches for all and no gay programs eeeeeee__NA__ gg@fffffffefffefffeffje@Stoddard MO efheStoddard MO efefeigd@ffkffe ,@ieefffg Befeee B)7AZ?mgmghgemg__NA__ __NA__ fffgmfmmmegefefg__NA__ Education gfgeeee__NA__ eff?@feggeefgeefeggefgiee@l@Laclede MO fgfeLaclede MO eefejif@efeeeg@eojfgk B BffeehiIKA_NRY?mffeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgggfmgfhmmmmefh__NA__ There basics eeeeeefI'm not qualified to offer advice on that subject. eigf@fffffefffefffeflfggf@~@Ray MO feeRay MO |@fegeigfgiffeieJ@eifges* B`* BJKAffeehgmM?iifffe__NA__ e__NA__ hhiigmffhmmmmefj__NA__ Higher teacher salaries, students education in Math and reading skills. geegeeg__NA__ eefff@fffegggegfffeff}@ieeeRandolph MO Randolphefef MO Ğ@eiehfffjffeife@fefeO Bm BJKA(x7k?efeehmgmfiife__NA__ f__NA__ hiffmgmmmfeeegfe__NA__ No comment eeeeeeg__NA__ eiefefq@fffffffffffefg]@Clay MO fggeClay MO ifefe@ghegffjffejhpjN@fhie' B%' BjUA˽U?eeehmfmfeffe__NA__ h__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfefegfe__NA__ Reduce the number of Administrators. Increase teacher pay. Fire teachers and administrators when they go “WOKE” and/or no longer represent the parents. ggggggfThey would get no support from Administration. Kids need discipline to become productive members of society. If teachers aren’t allowed to discipline students without fear of reprisal from spineless administrators, the system will remain in failure. efgffff@ffefffeeffefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO iegeegx@eioffkffehefefA@eefe1 B@1 Bj5A-*?eefhmhghhhi__NA__ f__NA__ fghhgmffhmmmmgfe__NA__ a well balanced education including 'bad' parts of U.S. History, insuring math and science skills are great. fgggfgftoo many people: parents, school boards, book banners, political groups, are interfering with the goal of a well-educated, well rounded student body better educated than their parents.d@effeegeeefeeefeegefg@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO egeejj|@ioffjeeeheeifh@@gegeH: BpW B.Ad. ?ehmgmfhhgh__NA__ h__NA__ hhhhmfmmmfffeffe__NA__ teaching students to take responsibility for their actions and to learn life skills that will serve them in the workforce. eeeeeefThe US education system is pathetic. Education is not the priority. It is keeping the students happy ( parents) ep@ihfeffeeffeefgggefgg@e@Greene MO ffegGreene MO feeeiie@hfghkf@ehgnjfhkfeee 3 B B0L9A?egmhhhhemi__NA__ Reproductive rights fgfgfmfggmmmmgee__NA__ Science and history education fffggge__NA__ ei K@ggegffeffgefeeeefgehi@Jackson MO feifJackson MO gfejekp̞@eeeeeeH@fepjfhk/ BfeeehD BMKAIL?fmeeeehjhRobert Kennedy, Jr. __NA__ hfhgimfehmmmmgfe__NA__ Convert to teaching the 3 r's, history of the United States, and cursive writing. eegeeeg__NA__ efi@fefffggffgggffefgfgg@@St. Louis MO ejeSt. Louis MO fejhif@ghffeg @efffef` B+ Bfeeeei2A*ZUq?mhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fgghgmeegmmmmffh__NA__ don't know, my kids in there 50 ffffgge__NA__ eife@egggeffeefgggefggffe@e@Greene MO gefGreene MO p@fefeijfeeeeeee@njfhk B BI?mffffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfegegfrKansas City MO Hiring the most qualified teachers eeeeeee__NA__ egeff@fffegffegfffeff]@fggeClay MO Clay MO ieff\@eihijffkffegeiS@ifee Bh Br3A(x7k?feeehgmfffife__NA__ e__NA__ hgihgmgfgmmmmefg__NA__ Educating NOT indoctrinating eeeeggfPublic schools are focused on indoctrinating kids to the liberal agenda instead of teaching kids to critically think & the basic 3 R’s. eigfff@fffefffegffefl@@Stone MOieefStone MOgffe@geeffjffeheek @eelfXs Bx B2DA_NRY?eeehgmfeeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgefgmfegmmmmgff__NA__ Keeping kids interested in their studies - all the basics - reading, writing, arithmetic. Also encourage kids to join clubs, sports, music, etc. Get involved. ggeeeee__NA__ eggffff K@ggefffefffefe@e@Greene MO gffeGreene MO gefegX@hiffkffeheefe @eeff BH BBGA?eehgmggfffe__NA__ e__NA__ hheefmggemmmmefj__NA__ teaching the kids, stop wasting our tax dollars. gay is wrong. teach kids to write a letter do the math. bring back respect!. gggffffSchools do not teach like they used to. teachers get away with too much, they want more pay for sitting 8 hours a day, grading papers is not a hard job to do. They let the kids dress any way they want to like a field of mix flowers, a boy wearing a dress yet stands in the girl room like a boy. A boy playing on a girls' team because he says he is a girl, but he wins. bring in mental counselors for the kids. Girls are dressing like a whore on the street, should be stopped. teach the kids to add, read write math. Respect @fhhfffffeeffeegffefe@[@Cass MO fggeiCass MO fefefe@jhffjffehgmjfhJ@lffe" BO BOKAWZf@?efimhghgem__NA__ h__NA__ fgggfmgfhmmmmefh__NA__ STEM Classes ffffeeg__NA__ e@9@efeeeeeefeeefeeghfeg\@Christian MO ffegChristian MO feeegee@ifefee@egenjfhkefee( Ba B]1A?hmfmeefffe__NA__ __NA__ hgfgmfmmmfegegfe__NA__ Not sureeeeeeefHaving to teach liberal agendas ei@fffffffefffefffeflfg@@St. Louis MO gejfSt. Louis MO gfefeeo؞@ffkffe @hfefeee BffeehP B;Aڐ ?imifgiffe__NA__ __NA__ hhggfmgfgmmmmeff__NA__ n/a ggeeggg__NA__ efg@@feffffeffeggffeffhff@j@Jasper MO egeJasper MO feeeif@fkffeg@fejffj0 B8 BeeeehmI3A<Ӿ-?emfefhf__NA__ iProtecting the unborn, and our 2nd Amendment rights. hhffmemmmfefeeeg__NA__ Fine arts eeeeggg__NA__ egefX@fffffefffefffefeieee@St. Francois MO hfSt. Francois MO Ğ@eigeiegikfeie@eeeee B B?efeehmfmfeeff__NA__ h__NA__ hffimfmmmfegeeff__NA__ Focus should be on traditional teaching of the basic's, and not become entangled with things of a social nature.eeeeeeg__NA__ gihfffZ@fffefffefffefg@p@Macon MOjeefMacon MOeeefe@ggifffjffeieei@eeeeHZ Bq BC/Ag-d?eeefmhmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fgghmgmmmgfegeff__NA__ Ensure that both academic and vocational avenues are available for students. Not all students want or should be on a path toward college. There must be a viable choice for vocations studies. ffffeefThe current climate in public education is more directed toward propaganda rather than toward learning. What type of teacher would find that environment rewarding? efgfeff @eeffeefegfefg@v@Newton MO hfffNewton MO gefeei@hijfggeeegepjf@@gfeeȽ B B/A]N?eehmemfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ ggffmfmmmfeeeefe__NA__ They have good relations more pay for teachers could be better better security main entrance would be better ggeegge__NA__ @ehfgefffeeggeeeffefec@Franklin MO fggfeFranklin MO eeeefet@iiffjffeheejef@ifee_ B؛ BlUAKu?eeimhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ehhhhmfghmmmmeff__NA__ Not sure. ffffggg__NA__ e@eeeegeeffgeefeggefgj@m@Lawrence MO eefgLawrence MO eeeegff@ffeeee @efeogeeeeeeeXw2 B2 B=DAc'z?emhmhhhemf__NA__ __NA__ fgfimgmmmegeggfe__NA__ A good, safe education! eeffgge__NA__ eel@feeegeefgeefeegefgehi@Jackson MO feieJackson MO geegeiot@feeeee R@fefifff Beeeeeh B5j9A-*?mhmghhemg__NA__ __NA__ ffghmhmmmffefgfe__NA__ more attention to students who are behind ffffgfflow pay, rediculous demands from the anti-woke crowd trying to retreat into the far past, decling respect for education and progress, constant interference. eee@eegeeefeeefeggefgfgg@St. Charles MO ejegSt. Charles MO eejeinfH@eeeeeg@enifhjO B Beeeehm7A=f?emfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hfggmimmmfefegfg__NA__ Reading writing and arithmetic eeggggfgigf@fffffffffefffeflfgge@@St. Louis MO jeSt. Louis MO P@eegeifgiffehe@effee B0- B5Afeeehim(x7k?feeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hfhhimgffmmmmeff__NA__ Expectations should be greater. Teacher accountability. More focus on education, less on sports. No cell phones!eeeeggfMoral standards of today’s families gfhffY@ffffefffefffefft@jeefMontgomery MO Montgomeeffry MO @egeeffkffegee @ieeeآ BP B8A[\@feeehhmffeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hfegfmeegmmmmeff__NA__ Anti woke policies eeeefffColleges are too liberalgfgfff@fffefffefffefe@T@Barry MOjeefBarry MOgffee@feelffkffeieee@eeef5 B`Q BqDA_NRY?eeehhmgifffe__NA__ e__NA__ hghhhmeehmmmmgff__NA__ Math and scienceeeeeeefTeaching profession has deteriorated dramatically in the past 15 years. Schools no longer teach they indoctrinate students. eihffff@ffefffefffefg@{@Platte MO fggePlatte MO iefegd@eiffkffehenjfI@glff0x B B;Ax3?eefimgghiem__NA__ g__NA__ gghhgmgggmmmmgff__NA__ Not sure as I have no children enrolled in this districteeeefgfIt is too dangerous these days, especially in view of the low wages. @p@eiggegfeefffefgggeff@St. Charles MO fggejSt. Charles MO egfeght@epfeeeeefeojfh@feee Bx8 B|5A(Q?ehmfmfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffmemmmfefeeff__NA__ Step up education on Adair County eeeeeefI have not agreed with the education of our students from the national level down. Our international ranking is abysmal. Our schools in our area is trying. e@@ffffffffefffefffefei@R@Adair MOeeeeAdair MOeeeefee`@iffkff@eieeeeeeffeeP{ B BF:AL)F?fgmghhhemi__NA__ corruption gggggmgggmmmmfeg__NA__ Helping struggling students ffffggg__NA__ ef>@fgeeeeefeeefeeeefghf@W@Buchanan MO fefgBuchanan MO ffeffej@eigkee`@efojfhkؙ Beeeefx BlUAKu?mhmhhhemg__NA__ __NA__ fghhmhmmmffefgff__NA__ Teachers pay fffffffAll the hate going on . Book banning Nazism eee`@ffgeeefeeefeegefefggj@Jefferson MO ejefJefferson MO eegeelf@eeeeef@emjfhgy3 BH3 BffeehfTKA똇?mfieffe__NA__ h__NA__ hghfhmeehmmmmfef__NA__ They should be completely defunded and they should closeeegeeefIt dangerous fihf~@effffgfffgfffefeehfe@St. Louis city MO jfgSt. Louis city MO ؞@eeieeoegiffehf@fhffi  Bh& B"S9Aeeeehmf411?mfeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffmfmmmfggefff__NA__ Catching up students in grades K-12 from remote learning and shut downs due to Covid. eegeggfThe teachers unions are ruining education for the promotion of politics and pushing transgender ideology. eggfe@ffeegffefgffefl@ieeeSt. Francois MO St. Franhfecois MO @ejgffgiffehee@fehf` BP BUKAKu?eeeeemhmhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ fgghmimmmefefgfe__NA__ Not sureeeeegge__NA__ eiffeeA@feefeeefeefefg]@Clay MO fggeClay MO ieeee|@hjihfeeeeeeemjS@fhkf B BOH6A(Wk?ffehfmfffffe__NA__ e__NA__ hggggmfefmmmmeff__NA__ I DON'T KNOW ggggggfTOO LOW OF PAY giifefe@eefggggfffgfe@@Vernon MO jeefVernon MO geeeeht@iiiffjffeggmjf@hkee B BVKAg-d?eefmgmghhem__NA__ h__NA__ fffgmfmmmeeeegfh__NA__ Music education ffefffe__NA__ @efeeefeeefeeefeffefe]@Clay MO fggeiClay MO efeeie|@ilfggheegeeffe K@gffe' B`' BBP1A< ?efgmghhgem__NA__ iClimate Change & environmental issues fggggmhghmmmmefh__NA__ Bullying, book bans (as in, stop banning books!), teaching real history... not the whitewashed versions, and supporting LGBTQ and other marginalized kids. gggeeefTeachers do not get paid enough to endure the abuse they receive by students, putting their lives on the line to protect students from school shootings, then to be called 'groomers' by those who do not support the inclusion or even acknowledgment of LGBTQ . They aren't allowed to make lesson plans that include real historical facts because they may hurt the feelings of white kids whose parents have taught them to be racist. e@f@ffgeeeeefeeefeegffgiW@Butler MO eefhButler MO fefeijjԞ@gfeeee3@eeemjfhkeeeeH BП B {5Ac'z?fmhmghhhjhnot sure__NA__ ggffmgmmmgfefefh__NA__ Not sureeegggge__NA__ efp@gfffggefffeggfgefefgj@Jefferson MO gejeJefferson MO eeeggifd@feeeee@gefjfffX BfeeehH B@A_NRY?imffeeffe__NA__ __NA__ hffigmffimmmmgfg__NA__ reading, math ggggggg__NA__ gii@ffffffefffefffefghff@j@Jasper MO egefJasper MO fegeimfl@fkffei@eefeeeH B, Bffeefh]FAg ?mghhhem__NA__ g__NA__ ggfggmffhmmmmgfrMelville school districtBetter pay for teachers ffggeee__NA__ efff@egfeefeeefeefefg@ef-1 @feieilfeeeeege V@effeeP B8D BWKAfeeehgm!}?fffffi__NA__ e__NA__ hffffmfehmmmmgfg__NA__ Stronger focus on critical thinking skills, the US and Missouri constitutions, reading and writing skills, literature, and the arts. eeeegge__NA__ efggg}@fffegffegeffefg@fggeSt. Charles MO St. Charjefeles MO |@ejeilfgiffegef@efeeX0 B~0 B0A[\@efeehmfmeeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hhffmfmmmfegeeff__NA__ Quality education for all students ggeeggfStudents have no respect for authority or discipline. Teachers have no support anymore. efffff@fffefffefffefg@Texas MOjeefTexas MOhfeee@eejiffjkfehgei`@eeef Bx Bz5AZ?feeehmhhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ ffggfmfggmmmmgfg__NA__ not sure as no kids in school geeeggfteaching is becoming harder and harder as districts are being runned by bad people eifeegf@gefgeefeeeefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jefeeix@eikfeeeeefeiff@@egffx B B189AM?eehgmfefiff__NA__ e__NA__ hgfffmffgmmmmgfh__NA__ increasing teacher pay eeeeggfjob of a teacher has gotten more about assessment and class management than actually being able to teach@eefffffffefffefffeff]@Clay MO fggeiClay MO fgfeieĞ@eoffkkfehgeeee K@efee B Bu5ǍU`?eegmhhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ fgfgemgfhmmmmgff__NA__ Get rid of the right wing nuts that make up the boats of education ffffeefNo support by board of education. Ridiculous rules imposed by nuts in the legislature regarding the curriculum e@ffeeegeefgeefeeeefef@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO effejei@mfeeee@efepjfhkefee(B B0Y BWKA_NRY?hmfmfeffee__NA__ __NA__ hgfgmfmmmfggeefe__NA__ Math, Reading, Spelling, EnglisheeeegefHas gotten to be dangerous. Also, they aren't allowed to teach what is necessary to become an individual with their own mind and be a success. Many have a hard time in school due to politics. gg@gffffffefffefffefgfg@[@Cass MO geieCass MO efeghifT@ffkffe`J@heegeee Befeeh( B/Aڐ ?memeeefee__NA__ __NA__ gfggmemmmgegeefj__NA__ more history and math and the founding of our country . eeeegee__NA__ gig \@ffffffefffefffefffgg@X@Caldwell MO ffefCaldwell MO fefekkfh@fkffei@effeee B BffeefhCz5ǍU`?mhhhgem__NA__ f__NA__ fgghhmfghmmmmffe__NA__ Helping each student learn at a level that enables the student to be prepared for adult life. egggegfRising trend of state interference in the teaching process -- too limiting to enable a teacher to succeed and meet the needs of all students. effe@egeeefeeefeegefgehfei@Jackson MO iefJackson MO l@fejhimfeeeeefe N@njfgj0 B B)QAffeehgmLq?fgggge__NA__ h__NA__ hggggmgegmmmmgfh__NA__ EQUITY AND FAIRNESS ffggffe__NA__ eigffP@fffeeffeefffefg@fggeSt. Charles MO St. Charjefeles MO @eheemfghgiehke@jffgs$ B & By@A?feeefgmhghhem__NA__ g__NA__ ffghgmffgmmmmgff__NA__ Community outreach to ensure students stay in school. Ensuring school is a safe environment for all. Creating life long learners so we have good citizens in the future.gggggge__NA__ efeeeg g@eeefeeefeggefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jfffe@jhikfeeeeefefi@@fgeeX BP B GA+Œ?feeemhmhhiem__NA__ f__NA__ ghfhmgmmmffefgfg__NA__ Resources ggeegee__NA__ eifeeee@@eefeeefeegffgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO igffg@ilfeeeeeeepfe J@egeepG B] B5A[\@eehmemfefff__NA__ h__NA__ gfhhmemmmfefeefh__NA__ Dissolve it and merge with the other district's eefeeee__NA__ @ghhffffffefffefffefe@@Webster MO gfffgWebster MO feeefe@eiffkffeifefee @fffe B@ BHA(x7k?ehgmfffffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgggimffgmmmmffh__NA__ I don't know because I don't have any school aged children eeeefgfTeachers are not paid enough. They are hardly allowed to really teach, meaning they are too restricted in what they teach and how they teach it not enough freedom e@igffffffeffgefffefgg@e@Greene MO ffegGreene MO fffegek@jffkkf@eifghffeffee0 B Bqk2Aɪ?egmgghhemf__NA__ __NA__ eefffmggfmmmmgfe__NA__ No clue fffffffBad pay. Conservative interference ei@@feeeeeefgeefegggfeehi@Jackson MO feifJackson MO eeehjii@feeeeeC@fenjfhk Begeei BBFAڐ ?mfmgeiffe__NA__ __NA__ hgggmgmmmfgeegfe__NA__ Basic learning skills to prepare them fir the real worldggeeggfBecause if the what the are teaching kids eig@@feffffffffefffefgfggj@Jefferson MO ejefJefferson MO fefeikf@fjffeh@@fojfhk7 B@G Beeeehm=2A(Wk?mfmffefee__NA__ __NA__ hgggmhmmmfegegfe__NA__ High Standards for All grades....Reading, Writing, Math, American History, Citizenship eeegggfChildren not taught to have respect efgj@ffffffffffefffefeehfi@Jackson MO eiefJackson MO eegeijfp@giffegA@fegefe B Bfeeehh5AmP?mggffgf__NA__ e__NA__ hgghgmeffmmmmgff__NA__ Basic's and less liberal propaganda eeeeeee__NA__ gggf@efffeeffeefffefegfff@@Webster MO gfgWebster MO @eeieepfhhggehe @eeeee; BxN B.j9Affeehhm{?iheige__NA__ iEliminate the income taxhghhimeehmmmmefe__NA__ Never teaching CRT and Transgender crap eeeegefDepartment of Education gigff@ffffefffefffefg@ehfeSt. Louis city MO St. Louijfes city MO @ejeefghhfehee@ffee B Bo6A-*?feeeffmghghem__NA__ h__NA__ ghhhhmgfhmmmmgfh__NA__ Discouraging crime eeeefffPoor salaries effeee @eeefgeefffeefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jefeeX@jeimfhgeeeeemj@@fhkf9 BN BL4*AKu?eeefhmhhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fgegfmeegmmmmefh__NA__ Hiring teachers fffffge__NA__ efeeeeg@eefgeefgggefg@z@Phelps MO ieeePhelps MO heeeeg@iegfeeeeefeojf @gjefԾ Bp BBA p/@eehmgmfgfff__NA__ f__NA__ ggffmfmmmfefeeff__NA__ Teacher pay egggfefNot very good pay, kids attitude, @effffffffgfffgfffefgV@Boone MOhffeeBoone MOgeehi@effjkfehgojfg@jeee B< BmUA?efmhmhhhem__NA__ iRight wing politicians fgfhmfmmmefefgfg__NA__ Preserving books, let educator decide education and not politicians or right wing funded groups fffffffTeachers are demonize and degraded. They are told how what to teach. Pay is low in certain districts. Politicians and parents need to let teachers teach. Right wing ideology is only hurting the country ex@eeeefeeefeeefefeefgf@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO fgefjee@pfeeee@@eeemjfhkeeeeX1 BHI2 B\KAL_k?hmfmhfhfee__NA__ __NA__ hhhhmfmmmfffeeei__NA__ Doing their jobs. eegeeefI don't know any fags, or women with dicks. So they wouldn't be qualified. fi@hffffffefffefffefgfg@~@Ray MO gfffRay MO eeiieef@eghkfeJ@ifojfhkp Bfeeeh Bm2A碲V_?gmffffffe__NA__ __NA__ gfhggmffgmmmmgfg__NA__ Discipline in the classroom. eeeefffTeachers receive no support from administration concerning discipline for the students. eeh@ffffffgfffgfffefeehfi@Jackson MO eiffJackson MO eeieemf@giffei@Q@eefefj BH BfeeehgnUA(Wk?mgffife__NA__ e__NA__ hhfffmfegmmmmgfg__NA__ better pay to the teachers ffgfffe__NA__ eiff@@fffffefffegffefefgge@St. Charles MO jefSt. Charles MO d@eeghikffkffeie @ffeee2 B*2 B6AfeeefhmŽ?hhhhhjChris Christy h__NA__ ggegfmfehmmmmefg__NA__ Not sureffgggge__NA__ effee@ffeeffeefegfefeV@hffeBoone MOBoone MOeefex@efeimfggeeegen@jfhj B8 BVA(x7k?hmfffffee__NA__ __NA__ hggghmghfmmmmffh__NA__ proper eduation geeeeefi'ts just babysitting eig`U@feffffffffffffefegff@e@Greene MO egfeGreene MO fehgehf@fjkfeh@gmjfhk B BfeeeggJ?ehhmfffife__NA__ e__NA__ hhfhgmhhhmmmmeff__NA__ People who do not have kids in school should not be made to pay property tax. The school in Reeds Springs are all new buildings, while the old ones were fine for the amount of kids going there. They are now building a massive structure for "tech", plus te aring up ground for something we don't know yet. The schools, fields, extra buildings & parking probably take up fifty to seventy five acres for a town the size of Reeds Spring (about 400 people) this is extravagant, & most of the people who live in the a rea are retired. Everyone I talk to, including the builders of the new tech building are against paying for it with our property tax, yet it still passes? I don't trust our elections at all anymore- the govt is out of control. eeeeeefGender studies, critical race theory, pedophilia, only teaching for ACT tests in high school, no home economics for girls, no math of finance, no civics or liberal arts. All are main reasons. g@igffffffefffefffefli@@Stone MOeefgStone MOefehek@ffjff@ehfejefeffeeP3 Bp Bs9A\?ffmffffemf__NA__ __NA__ ggfffmeegmmmmfff__NA__ Talking about the history eegeeee__NA__ ei l@ffegfeeffeefeffefgehi@Jackson MO feifJackson MO efehgeh@fefeeeQ@ggpifee(@ Bffeeh{ B#2A?effefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgefemfffmmmmgfh__NA__ teaching kids how to do everyday math so that they know how to give back change without a cash register having to tell them the amount to give back. efeegge__NA__ egegf2@ffffefffefffefgj@fggeJefferson MO Jeffersojeefn MO @ehhifffkffeife@feef? BxV B}5ǍU`?feeefhmhghhhh__NA__ e__NA__ ggffhmhhhmmmmgfe__NA__ better teachers fffgffe__NA__ gfgfee@h@eeefeeefeffefe@{@Platte MfggeO Platte MO iegfeX@jeioffjeeegeffS@feef` B\ B5Ad. ?eeehhmigefff__NA__ h__NA__ hghghmeegmmmmgfe__NA__ focusing reading and math eeeeeeg__NA__ gfhfeff7@ffefffefffefli@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO ifeei@imffjffegefff Q@ffffq B BDA?eegfmfffffe__NA__ e__NA__ ggiiimfffmmmmeff__NA__ Not sureffggffg__NA__ @effffffffefffeggfeff@@Webster MO gfffgWebster MO fffefe@ejffkkfehfefee @gfee8_ B8m Bm2A1q?ehgmgeeefi__NA__ e__NA__ hggggmeefmmmmgee__NA__ Academics. Kids in the public schools are not being challenged. eeggeefThey dont make enough money and parents are getting worse. es@fgfeffffefffefffefef@St. Charles MO ggejSt. Charles MO ggfejge@nefjff@ehemjfhkeeee B B0A[\@hmfmfeefee__NA__ __NA__ ggfgmfmmmfefegfh__NA__ Ensure that English and math skills are being taught and learned at the best degree possible. eeeeeeg__NA__ gg@gffffffefffegffefehf@j@Jasper MO fegfJasper MO feefeek@ffkffe@ieeiffi2 BfeeefH BDAAMkQ?gmghhiemf__NA__ __NA__ gghhgmgggmmmmffe__NA__ increase fundinggggeggg__NA__ eff @eeeeeefeeefeefhfgehfi@Jackson MO eigeJackson MO feiiehf@hgkeee@N@eojfgfP% B(% BfgfeffgKA< ?mffffhg__NA__ e__NA__ gggggmfffmmmmgef__NA__ Educating parents on how to raise kids eeeeeeg__NA__ effg@fffggffggfgffefffgge@@St. Louis MO jfgSt. Louis MO ܞ@feiekoeghkeehh@gffeem B BhKAeeeehme;upL @mfeefe__NA__ h__NA__ hgggmfmmmfefeeef__NA__ Our school needs more teachers/resources for dealing with behavioral issues. eeeeeefLack of support, disrespect/abuse, parents expecting too much/siding with misbehaving students, low pay, lots of reasons I wouldn't recommend teaching at a public school. efgfg@ffffefffefffefe@n@fggfLincoln MO Lincoln eggeMO @efeenehigfeiee@heff8d' B' Br-A\?efeefmhmghhem__NA__ f__NA__ fgghmhmmmgfefeff__NA__ Diversity eeeefffThe pay is barely a livable wage and the danger of gun violence.efggeg`@geefgeefefgjff@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jfgfe@heepfggeeeffnj @fhke Bx BϤ1AuD?feehmemfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmgmmmfgfegfe__NA__ Improve learning of math and sciences. eeeefgg__NA__ efhfgffZ@gggffggeffefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jegeeil@eiofgiffeheeif @fgef(N BPm BlKAr" ?eefmgmhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fgfhmhmmmefegffe__NA__ Basics math English history reading eeeegge__NA__ @efifegfeeffeefeggefg]@Clay MO fggeiClay MO effege@elfefeeegeojfhC@jeee`x% B% BmKA-*?eemhmghhem__NA__ g__NA__ fhfhmgmmmefefffe__NA__ Basic literacy and math; vocational education (eg construction trades, culinary arts, computer tech). ffffffe__NA__ e@ffeeffgeffgefeeeefghV@Boone MOffeeBoone MOefeejhi|@lfeeee`@efeehfgieeeeM% B`% B¥6A?hmemeeefee__NA__ __NA__ hheememmmfeeegfrButler county More buses eeeeeee__NA__ ee@effffffefffefffefgieW@Butler MO efhfButler MO efefgif@ffkffe3@ieegeeg Beeeef BnKA?mhmghhemf__NA__ __NA__ gghhmhmmmffefefj__NA__ Diversity, science, computer technology, math geeefge__NA__ eff@eeeeeefeeefeegefeiee@l@Laclede MO fgfeLaclede MO fejgjgf@ggeeeg@epjfhk B Bfeeefgʭ]&?miihigf__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhfmffgmmmmefe__NA__ Better teacher salaries, better training and backup for teachers. More teachers. Make teaching a profession to enjoy rather than a calling to be endured. eeeefffLack of support.eegfm@egfeefeeefeffefggfff`@Dallas MO geeDallas MO @fejgmffghegegg`@pjffe B8 BoKAeeeefmgg ?mghhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffggmgmmmefefffe__NA__ Improving the quality of education for all students to the excellent level provided in the Magnet schools. ffffgge__NA__ eifge @egeefgeefeefeff@ehfeSt. Louis city MO St. Louijeefs city MO @eieiifeeeeeeen`@jfhk8\ B BW9A`u?egfehmfmfeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmgmmmfgeegfh__NA__ Pay moreeeeeeefLow pay effgggj@ffffffffggfefe@e@Greene MgffeO Greene MO gffee@ggilffkkjeifei@eegex7 B B2Al ?gfefmfmffffjTed Cruzf__NA__ ggffmgmmmffefeff__NA__ Don't know eeeegge__NA__ effgggg @eefgeefgggeffz@Pike MO jeefPike MO egefeh@ehifgikfeiheje@eeff` B Bu1A>I?eehgmgfgifjVivek Ramaswamy e__NA__ hhhggmgghmmmmgfe__NA__ Getting qualified teachers gfefggfTeachers do not receive enough support @eegfffffffffffgffeffi@Jackson MO ehfeiJackson MO egfeie`@ioffjffeheefee R@efee Bp BAA?ehhmhhggfe__NA__ e__NA__ hhgggmgghmmmmeeg__NA__ Having more teachers and only so many students per teacher and having more after school things kids can do for fun. Also going back and reaching the math the right way and cursive writing and learning about the truths of history and stop taking away these things.gggfffe__NA__ g@fffffffeefffefffefej@b@Dent MO eefhDent MO fffefifȞ@mefkff@eieefeegfeee B` Bx8=AKu?fgmgghfhfe__NA__ __NA__ gggfhmfffmmmmgfe__NA__ Not sureggggggfStudents today have a bad attitude towards life not all but some. ei@fggggggggggggggefeeh@St. Louis city MO fejeSt. Louis city MO eeeggig@fefeee@hffhfgjع Bffeef Q Bn2ATΝaV?gmgghhgif__NA__ __NA__ ghghgmffgmmmmgff__NA__ Our Kids of course they are on the wrong track. Paternal training and guidance for the parents. All History should be taught whether your folks were or were not We are All apart of HISTORY. eeeeeeg__NA__ eii@@fefggefffegeefeflfgg@@St. Louis MO ejeSt. Louis MO ffgeifx@efeeej@eeefee B Bfeeeff"9Ax3?mffgfem__NA__ e__NA__ hgfffmfegmmmmgfe__NA__ good teachers eeeeeee__NA__ ggff@@fffffefffeeffefefgge]@Clay MO ieeClay MO |@fehhiifefeeehgN@efeee BH B=Aefeehmf"`+?mieife__NA__ iStopping immigration hgfgmimmmffffgeg__NA__ Conservative education, athletics and healthy lifestyle, promoting parental involvement.eegegge__NA__ ghfff@fffgeffgefffefep@jeefMadison MO Madison hfeeMO @egiehehiffeife@hfgj B@ BK:7Ac>?efeefmgmhhhhg__NA__ h__NA__ fgfhmhmmmgfgegef__NA__ Education not politics eeeegffPolitics do not allow them to teach. Bad pay for what parents expect of them eeefef@feeffeefegfefg@St. Charfggeles MO St. Charles MO jfgee؞@ieeqeghgeegffi@ffje BX B/A2?eeegmhmhhgem__NA__ g__NA__ ghhhmgmmmffefgfh__NA__ STEM fffgggfThe State provides next to no support, and they are criminally underpaid. efffeee@eefeeefeefeff@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jgfeeg@eemfggheegenjf@@hjfg{ B0 B7A[\@fehgmgffgff__NA__ e__NA__ hhgfgmffgmmmmefh__NA__ Nothing at this time. ffeggffThe pay `@efgfgfffeefffefffefe@[@Cass MO fggeiCass MO ffeefgȞ@ejffjkfehfpjfe@fffeX5 BP BI?mffffhjvivek raemaswamy __NA__ hgfffmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ Reading, Writing and Arithmetic eeeeefg__NA__ egifb@efffggfffggggefgfgge@St. Charles MO jeSt. Charles MO h@feiiifghffegf@fjfff(e By B.9Aeeeefmg*ZUq?mghhem__NA__ e__NA__ ggeimfmmmggefgfi__NA__ I have all high schools require mandatory that all students learn a second language, before graduating. eeggeeg__NA__ eiige@gffeefffgfffefg@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijeefs MO x@efeihfeeeeeggf`@jeee B B7A+Œ?eefeemgmhgghh__NA__ g__NA__ efefmemmmefefgei__NA__ Education fefffee__NA__ egifge@efeefggggggeff@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jgeff@hieieghkeeggog@efge- B8 B3A*ZUq?geeemhmhhhem__NA__ iGLOBAL WARMING ggfimfmmmegfegfg__NA__ I don't know. It has been too long since I have had anyone in school. eeeeege__NA__ eiffeff@fefffefgffefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jeefef|@eihfggkeegfejf@egfe@F B8m B@A52?eehhmgefffjChris Kristy h__NA__ hgffhmffgmmmmgfg__NA__ teaching more common sense things with English being the most important eegeeeg__NA__ @eiffeffeeffeefeffhfei@Jackson MO ehfeiJackson MO feeegi@ehffkffehfeifh@Q@ieee@2 BHF B!2Al&-?efmimfiihi__NA__ e__NA__ hghhmhmmmffefgfrFlorissant Discipline eggeeefNot being paid enough money and no support from the board or state. Lives being put in danger e @eeffgfffeffeefffefff@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO ffffjge@jfefee@@eggefeeffeee(d B(~ BFA˽U?hfmffeiffe__NA__ __NA__ hhggemfffmmmmeff__NA__ stem eegeggfPoor pay, too much baggage ef @iffffffffffffffefffg]@Clay MO geieClay MO feeheil@ffkffeH@ieefeefX Bfeeeel B2Abw2Y?gmhhhheme__NA__ __NA__ fhighmfehmmmmeff__NA__ Teaching kids how to do the three R ffffffe__NA__ gig@ffffffefffefffefeiee@@Stone MOfgfeStone MOfefeegf@ghkeej@fekeel B( Befeegm69Aw&ټ?hmggghjundecidehd __NA__ ggfgmfmmmgggggff__NA__ concentrate on the basics, reading, math and science and add mandatory community service. eeeeeee__NA__ eigej@effeeffeefeffefgfgge@{@Platte MO iffPlatte MO @egigfmffjffegfI@fifgj Bx B&r?hhhhgjCornel West f__NA__ hhhhgmgghmmmmefi__NA__ help to poor students gggeggflow funding eihee`@fffefffefeffefg_@jeefCrawford MO Crawfordhff MO @efekfhlhjejeo@jfhk BX Bu7A?ffeehgmfgggfh__NA__ e__NA__ hhggemffgmmmmgff__NA__ Addressing issues that come up with immediate attention instead of scapegoating the issue to avoid conflict fggfffe__NA__ eeffff@@fffefffefffefg]@Clay MO fggeClay MO ifffeȞ@jeikffkkfeifefG@eeef Bh B<]=A:}?eeefgmhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fgfgfmffhmmmmgfi__NA__ n/a ffgfffe__NA__ efeeeee%@eefeeefeefgfg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jgeeej@ieifeeeeefeihf@gjfe B BDAڐ ?eehhmgfhhfh__NA__ g__NA__ gghhgmffgmmmmefe__NA__ Teacher pay, pre school opportunities and basic education of students....REAL studies, not the phony garbage they are trying to teach. eefefffOur current college students studying to be teachers have not been taught the basic studies and therefore, I find it difficult to believe they will be qualified to teach others.......our students are slipping day by day and it shows! @efhfeffffefffeeffhfe@Y@Camden MO jeefgCamden MO effefel@imfgiffegfeief@ifeex B B>Abw2Y?effmgfhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffefgmfggmmmmgee__NA__ More options for kids to learn different skills… after school activities and learning. Kids needing to learn differently then the standard sit in seat and take test. Broaden the scope on how and what kids learn gggffffThey do. It receive the tools or support from the government… they do not have enough resources and it makes their jobs next to impossible. e@fffegeeefeeefeegefff@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO fgfefefĞ@oeeeee@@efekiffgffee? B U B7KA_NRY?hgmfffgfee__NA__ __NA__ hfhhhmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ Getting back to the basics of education. Plus, staying away from the radical teachings. eeeeeeg__NA__ gf`&@hfffffgeffgegffefggf@e@Greene MO fegeGreene MO feggit@fgiffe@heehffie Beeeeh B{KAIL?memeeefee__NA__ __NA__ ggfgmemmmfefeefrR-1 p9 Great teachers eeeeeefLack of respect by students and parents eee @fffffgfffgeeffefl@ee-1 fejgihfh@fkffehN@eefeee B` Beeeehm;AA<ٲf?gmeefff__NA__ e__NA__ gfggmfmmmfeeeefg__NA__ getting back to basic learning eeeeffe__NA__ gggfl@fffffffffffffefeieef@@Stone MOgeeStone MO@eefhigffkffehe @ejffg BH B7Aefeefmh?mghiem__NA__ f__NA__ ffefmgmmmefefefh__NA__ Spending money to properly pay staff and provide curriculum needs. ffffffe__NA__ efeee`@eeeefeeefeegefg@j@hffeJasper MO Jasper MgfffO Ȟ@ejeekfhggeegee@heffг B BQ9AuD?ffeehfmeeeffe__NA__ h__NA__ gffffmgggmmmmefk__NA__ should teach more in life skills money management cooking home management eegeggg__NA__ efffgf@ffgfffffeffefe@l@Laclede ieefMO Laclede MO geeeel@ieihfghffehfgg@feee( BD BqUA52?eeehmgmffffh__NA__ e__NA__ hhefmfmmmeeefgff__NA__ Paying teachers what they are worth which means give them more. eeeeeee__NA__ efeffff@feeffeefffefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jfeeeg@eehffkffeieeff@efffk4 Bw4 B8c5AS}^=?eeggmgggghf__NA__ f__NA__ ggffhmffhmmmmgfe__NA__ More History gggggge__NA__ @@eefgggggggeeeggggefg]@Clay MO fggeiClay MO eeeefh`@igffjfeeggohefN@ieeeر B8 Bz5Ad. ?ehmfmeffff__NA__ e__NA__ hgffmemmmfegegeg__NA__ The old adage of reading writing and arithmetic is an excellent foundational basis of all education. Those 3 things are important thru all generations. Focus on competence in the basics. eeeeggfBecause in many scholl districts the teacher is constrained tlby policies from the government. eD@fgfffffgefffefffefeei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO ffeeiee@lffjffC@eheefeeeeeee@Z B{ BbR2AWZf@?fmgmhhheme__NA__ __NA__ ggggmfmmmefefgfh__NA__ Teachers salaries and education for the studentseeeeeee__NA__ eg@1@ffeefeeffeefeffefeehi@Jackson MO feifJackson MO eeegejh@feeeeeP@fepifee Begeefp BRn7Ac?mhmghihhf__NA__ __NA__ ggfimimmmffegefe__NA__ I'm not sure. I don't pay much attention to what they're doing. ffffggfThe pay isn't that great, and the schools don't receive enough funding. It's a stressful job. If it's their dream they should be one, but if they aren't sure there are better careers. eig@feffeefffffeffefghff@j@Jasper MO eggJasper MO fegihf@ghgeeg@feiefg B BfeeefgCAp+ :?mhhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ fgghhmffhmmmmffe__NA__ protecting DEI initiatives and teaching children history, not manufactured "white" history gfgfgfe__NA__ efeeZ@eeeeefeeefeeggfgfgge]@Clay MO ifgClay MO ̞@eejeeofggeeefeN@fifgj_ Bxw Bn2AfeeefhmJPn|1?hghiem__NA__ h__NA__ eefggmfehmmmmgff__NA__ Not Sureeeeeegg__NA__ efeee@gffefffefeffefg@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijfges MO @eigeofeeeeefee@@jfgh BЬ B=AKu?efeeemhmhhhem__NA__ igun control fgffmgmmmefeggff__NA__ Telling the truth about slavery gggggge__NA__ eifeee@feeffeeeeffefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jeeee@hgigfeekeefefi@ffef B BK,A1q?feehgmffiifh__NA__ e__NA__ hggghmgffmmmmgee__NA__ BehavioreegeegfPay stress and safety gggffffM@ffefffefffeflY@Cape Girardeau MhffeO Cape Girardeau MO hgffej@efkefkffehfeee@efefX B B .A2yG?fegmfmeeffh__NA__ e__NA__ ggffmfmmmfeggfee__NA__ getting kids up to date after the covid disruption eeeeeeg__NA__ `@egefegggeffgefegfefgY@Cape Girardeau MO hffehCape Girardeau MO ggfeie@koefjffehfphff@fffeX B8 B|KA\?efgmggggem__NA__ isolar power ggfghmgfhmmmmgff__NA__ preparation for real life, child care, balancing finances, trades, eeeeeefthe pay is too low, the environment is unsafe, and the scrutiny over trans issues is ridiculous e>@fggegfeefgeeeeffefgf@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO fefehgj@gfggke@@eefmjfhkeeee(a B Br&=Aa6a?emhmhhhemi__NA__ Climate change efggmgmmmegefgfe__NA__ Stop focusing on banning books and critical race theory (which has never been taught in Missouri schools), and stop demonizing gay and trans students. ggggeee__NA__ eee@feegeeefeeefeeeefgehi@Jackson MO feifJackson MO geeieip@feeeee`P@femjfhkw Befeef Bo9A< ?mhmhhiemf__NA__ __NA__ ggfgmfmmmffgeffg__NA__ non computer studies especially for K-8 ffgffffit is a disastrous and underpaid field efgY@eeggeefgeefgggefghff@j@Jasper MO egffJasper MO feieemf@eeeeee@gnjfhk BX Beeeehm;9AmSC?fmffffe__NA__ e__NA__ ggffmgmmmfegegfe__NA__ Education eeeeeeg__NA__ eiff@<@efgeeffeefggfefgfgge@@St. Louis MO jeSt. Louis MO @eeiiifgiffehe @eifgi B B-1Afeeefgmbp?ggggem__NA__ f__NA__ fgfffmeegmmmmeff__NA__ preparing students for real life after high school like vocational training, civic betterment and responsibility, financial health and better understanding of diversity and inclusion. gggggge__NA__ efgfe@eeeefeeefeeeeffZ@jeefCarter MO Carter MheefO t@eieiifeeeeefep 8@jfhl- BE BFAei,?feeefgmghhgem__NA__ h__NA__ fgfffmfffmmmmefn__NA__ Higher more teachers ffegffg__NA__ efffeg@ggeeffeeeffefeh@Howell MieefO Howell MO hfeee@jghffeeeeegeei@eggf` B; B1AuT?feefhmhihiem__NA__ g__NA__ ghhhhmgghmmmmffe__NA__ Supporting teachers, funding schools, improving the curriculum, and ensuring equity. ggggggfIt's no longer a feasible way to make a living. eifeeee@eefeeefeefefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO igffej@iejfeeeeeefmjfN@hkef B B4Ah MT?eefmhmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ gghhmgmmmgfefgff__NA__ Retention/graduation rate. ggeegge__NA__ @effeeegeefgeefegfefg@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO gefeii@jifeeeeefeeife@geee8$ B N B_r=Ax3?eemhmhhgem__NA__ g__NA__ fggfmgmmmefefefg__NA__ drug education ggegfffI don't believe teachers are provided with the resources they need or the support to express their own opinions.g`@hgegegeefeeefeggefgj@@Ripley MO eefhRipley MO eefeggfh@hfggee7@egeeeeeeeeee B BwA<ٲf?hmfeeefeh__NA__ __NA__ hffggmfehmmmmgfe__NA__ Teach the basics. No woke, or crt or equity nonsense. That will not prepare you for lifeeeeeeee__NA__ egh R@ffffffefffefffefgfgg@St. Charles MO ejefSt. Charles MO eefefkf@fkffeh@eeeeee< BP Beeeefm:Ap+ :?hmhhhem__NA__ iClimate Change ggfhmgmmmffegffh__NA__ Generally making well-thought out progress under our current Superintendent. Biggest hurdle remains overcoming negative perceptions and increasing percentage of district children who attend the schools. ffggeeg__NA__ effej@eeeeefeeefeegefefgge@@St. Louis MO jfgSt. Louis MO ̞@eejeepfggeeeee@@oifhk4 Bz B:{)Afeeehhm^W?ggfgge__NA__ e__NA__ hggghmfegmmmmgfe__NA__ assessment of the public school system ggfeggg__NA__ efgeg@fffefffefgfgefeV@hffeBoone MOBoone MOeffe@fjiejfghkfegeo@@jfhkX Bس BOOY @efeefmgmhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ gggfmgmmmefgfeff__NA__ Teaching critical thinking ggggeefTeachers are underappreciated effgeg@geefgeefeeegff@R@Adair MOieeeAdair MOezheeeD@jifffeekeeffei@ffhepG B S B18AR@eeeemhmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ eeehmfmmmefefgff__NA__ ethics and empathy fffffge__NA__ effeege@eefeeefeeeefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jefihp@gifeeeeefemjf@hkeff B BS1A\?eeemhmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ggggmhmmmffefgff__NA__ Teaching ALL of history, good & bad ffggege__NA__ @eefeeeeeefeeefeeeefg@e@Greene MO gffegGreene MO fffege̞@emfeeeeeeemjfh@kfee B BO6Ah?ehhmffeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hghhgmffgmmmmefe__NA__ Teach Reading, Science, Math, and not Critical Race Theroy eegeeefNeeds to get a real job gc@fhffffffffffffffefeh@j@Jasper MO ffegJasper MO eeeehee@ifhiff @eheefeeeeeee S BX Bf7Ar" ?fmfmhhhgjgDemocratic nomination __NA__ gggfmgmmmffefgfg__NA__ Better pay for teachers, more teachers, counselors, more staff to help with special needs students eeeegge__NA__ ee@ @feeeeeefeeefeefefghf^@Cole MO feeeCole MO efehhih@feeeee@eeihffjXB Bfeeeh e B2Aڐ ?hmffefffe__NA__ __NA__ ggefimffhmmmmgff__NA__ Teacher pay ggeefgfLow pay for the responsibility they have. eff@feffffefffefffeffgff\@Christian MO egeeChristian MO fefeihf@fkffeh @gejeggX Bx6 Beeeeem,1A?hmihiem__NA__ e__NA__ hhhgmhmmmgfeffee__NA__ The quality of education and the well-being of teachers,staff and students. gegeeefI think for the most part young adult are missing key education they can't provide to students. They are still learning themselves. eegf@effeeffeeffeeefgehfe@St. Louis city MO jfeSt. Louis city MO Ԟ@efgeegeeeeeegf`@jhffj; B^ B~9Aefeeemgc< ?mihiem__NA__ e__NA__ fgggmgmmmegefgfh__NA__ Education ffffggfNo enough pay eigfe T@gffffffefeffffgW@ieefButler MO Butler MhfefO @eijjefefeeeefo3@jfhk l B BݭAL)F?fmffgfhie__NA__ __NA__ ghgggmfggmmmmeej__NA__ Hire better qualified teachers and staffeegegefA friend of mine taught kindergarten for several years and left teaching for numerous reasons. She said there were too many regulations on what she could and couldn't teach, and too many stipulations in general for being so underpaid. I witnessed her on a couple occasions discourage young adults from pursuing public education. efg G@fegffggfffegffeffiee@l@Laclede MO fggfLaclede MO fefefme@gheeeg@gnifgj BHu BeeeegmT9AWZf@?gmhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ hhhhmfmmmffgfefg__NA__ Free lunches fffffffNo reward eeff@effffffffffffefeieef@@Stone MOgffStone MO@eegeekfefeeege@mjfhk B B{7Aeeeehmf52?mffffg__NA__ h__NA__ gfegmemmmfeeeefe__NA__ career path classes eeeeeefnot enough pay effff8@ffffgfffefffefet@jeefMontgomery MO Montgomeefgery MO @egeepfgiffehee@feee(m B` BgGA(x7k?fgeehgmfffffh__NA__ e__NA__ hhgghmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ NOT PASSES EVERY STUDENT COME ON IF THEY FAIL THEY FAIL eeffeeg__NA__ gfgfff7@fffffffefffefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jfefe@hgeifghffehgoi@@fejf B B4Am1tzF?eeehfmfeeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffhmffgmmmmgff__NA__ Stop spending so much money. ggggfffCan’t discipline anyone. gfgfgff@ffefffefffefe\@Christian MO gffeChristian MO geeef@eiffkffehfeje @fiee(X Bm B8A>?eehmfmefefh__NA__ f__NA__ hihhmimmmfgfegfg__NA__ Actually teach the kids instead of not ggfeggfDon't pay enough@-@efhffffffefffefffhfg@n@Lincoln MO fggfeLincoln MO eefege@iiffkkfehfejef`@kffeX_ Bl B4AG)$?ehgmffiife__NA__ e__NA__ hghifmffgmmmmeerStover I'm homeschool eeeeeeg__NA__ g d@ihfffffggfffgfffeffj@Y@Camden MO eefgCamden MO gefghef@hehiff @ehfkjffjegfeA BM B&-A?hmgmgggfee__NA__ __NA__ hhggmgmmmffefgfe__NA__ Better teaching. Free lunches gegeggfThere are too many school shootings ei@r@gefffffgfffefffefffg]@Clay MO geifClay MO efeffegȞ@fgikfeS@ggojfggݾ Befeef B=AuT?mgmghgemh__NA__ __NA__ ggfgmgmmmefeggeg__NA__ Teacher retention ffffgge__NA__ efe@geeeeefeeefeefeffhff@j@Jasper MO eggfJasper MO fejeeme@eekeee@enjfhk B Befeehmg#2AuD?fmefffh__NA__ e__NA__ hfggmfmmmfefegff__NA__ Nothing per Say fffgfffNada eige@fffffefffefffefefgge@@St. Louis MO jefSt. Louis MO p@eeieilfgiffeig @ojfhk0, B@ B 9Afeeeegmg-d?hhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fggggmffhmmmmefi__NA__ Teaching history and science truthfully.ffffffe__NA__ eefee@ggeefgeefeeeefe{@gfffPolk MO Polk MO gefe|@eieijfeeeeeeeo@ifgk@& Bf BrUA ?eeeehmimfiife__NA__ h__NA__ hhhgmhmmmffefferPrivate School Structured Curriculum for children of color eeeeegg__NA__ eeffff@fffefffefffeff@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jgfff @geelefkefeigee@eeeej1 B1 BKA(~?eeehmfmfeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hffgmfmmmfeeeefe__NA__ Trades, Shop classes eeeeeee__NA__ efffeef@feeffeefffefeq@Marion MO ieeeMarion MO eefeei@jijfghffegephf @giefI Bp[ BA< ?mghhiem__NA__ e__NA__ fghhfmfegmmmmgee__NA__ I think they should pay their staff more so they can attract and keep better teachers. ggfgeeg__NA__ efff@eeeeefeeefeeeefgfgge@{@Platte MO ifgPlatte MO @feieeneeeeeeefS@efffg B@ B 2Aeeeefmh-*?mhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fgfhmhmmmefefgff__NA__ They should stop implementing radical conservative social issue B.S. ffeeeefLow pay, low respect, out-of-control kids, stupid laws being implemented by radical conservatives. People carrying guns in schools. eeeee`@feeefeeefeggefe@fggeSt. Charles MO St. Charjegeles MO @ejjiofggeeeeeo@ifhj B3 BI6AL_?efeehmfmfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hghgmfmmmfefegff__NA__ Reading, writing and arithmetic eeeeeeg__NA__ gihfffc@fffefffefffefei@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO ifeej@fejifhiffehepfF@eeef% BD BZBA?eeeggmffggfe__NA__ e__NA__ hhfffmeegmmmmeff__NA__ More book use instead of the computer. It nice to just get them to ready a book . ffffffe__NA__ gifffff@,@eeefffeeffeff\@Christian MO gffeChristian MO gfefef@gfgfglkfeifehe @eeeez B B445A{W|?eehmfmeefge__NA__ g__NA__ hhhhmemmmfefeffh__NA__ Less mainstream propaganda more reading writing and arithmetic. eeeeeefIndoctrination of NWO propaganda is public schools goals. Unless this person will buck the system, they’re of no use. @@gghffffffefffefffefl@j@Jasper MO hffegJasper MO fefkfeȞ@jefgikfeieojff@efee+ BE B.A2yG?ehhmheeffe__NA__ g__NA__ ggffgmgffmmmmeee__NA__ Special educatioon and teacher pay ffeffffI am a teacher.. There is no money in it. Everyone is against you e @eeffffffefffefffefei@@Scott MOeeehScott MOgefeiee$@hefkkf@eifeeeefefee` B8 BAAbw2Y?fmhmfhggjhBernie Sanders __NA__ ffhhmgmmmffefeff__NA__ Higher reading and math skills fggeggfVery low pay and high liability. Unable to teach at a high level without comprising ones principals. Forced to hide obvious truths ee`@fgegggefeeefeffefgje@_@Cooper MO efffCooper MO efefghhԞ@fggjee @efkjfhf@ Bfeeef BAI3Ax3?gmhhhhemf__NA__ __NA__ ghgifmffgmmmmefe__NA__ Non-judgemental acceptance of all gggggge__NA__ efg@eegfeefeeefeefefffgg]@Clay MO eieeClay MO fegeihfX@eeeeeeC@eegffl BP BfeeeefKAg ?mghhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fhghfmffhmmmmefe__NA__ Qualified teacher retention. fffgffe__NA__ eege@@eeeeefeeefeeeefefgge]@Clay MO iefClay MO @feieemfeeeeeeeF@oifgj4 BE B=AeeeehmgM?meeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffmemmmfeeegef__NA__ Discipline needs to be allowed when they see a child being bullied because parents aren't doing anything because their child is always innocent. Children aren't afraid of any authority anymore and it shows. eeeeeee__NA__ ggffg@ffffgfffeeffefg@ieeeSt. Francois MO St. Franhfffcois MO @eieejefkkfehef@ffef B B:A?eeeefmhmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ghggmhmmmffefgff__NA__ Stop banning books. Teacher retention and salaries. Get the republicans off the school board fffgggfThere is no parent or admin support. I lived this for 32 yrs as a public school teacher then principal. All anyone cares about are test scores not the wellbeing of the students. efefee`4@geefgeefeeeefg@St. Charfggeles MO St. Charles MO jfgfe@jeipfeeeeeeeei@fgjf Bx B6:A>I?geehhmffeehjVivek ramaswamy e__NA__ hgffgmgghmmmmfff__NA__ Basic skills eeeeeeg__NA__ eeieeff@@fgffffffffefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO ieffeit@gijffjffegeojfF@gjee B Bi9Aa6a?eeemhmhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ ffggmhmmmffefgfe__NA__ Real world education eeeeffe__NA__ @efeeefgeefeeefeegefg@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO fgeeie@epfeeeeeeemjfh @kefe` B(t B3Ah?eeeggmfffifjNot Suref__NA__ gffffmfffmmmmefh__NA__ religionggfeeeg__NA__ eiffffg@geeggeefffefg@@Taney MOieeeTaney MOgeeeeg@efiffkffehepfe@efee@ BP BBA<ٲf?eegmgmfffhh__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmgmmmfgfeffe__NA__ Teaching regular subjects's not critical race crap or gender idenlity nonsense gggeggfBecause poor money and to much parent interference @@eggfffffgfffegfffefe@e@Greene MO gffegGreene MO efeefe@ijffjffehefgff@gefe@L B` BŅ?A*YU@egmhmhhiem__NA__ f__NA__ hgggmgmmmgfefffe__NA__ I'm not sure gggggge__NA__ e@efgeeeeefeeefeeehegei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO geefgim@ffhgeeM@eeemjfhkfeeexJ BH^ BW2AuD?hgmggggfee__NA__ __NA__ hgggfmffgmmmmefe__NA__ removing student cell phones while in school, discipline, respect, history, what America stands for in the world, founding fathers, just for starters. ggegffe__NA__ ef@J@fffffffefffefffefeie@]@Clark MOefeeClark MOeeijil@fgiffe@hfeffffP Bffeeh B-5A#mJ@gmffffhjeKennedy __NA__ hffgfmeegmmmmefg__NA__ They should ban cell phones on school grounds and put more emphasis on reading and math.eeeefgg__NA__ eff@y@fefffeeffeefffefgjee|@Putnam MO feffPutnam MO fjeeejf@ghfeeg @enjfhkH B Bfeeehhq6Aڐ ?mfffffh__NA__ e__NA__ hgghfmffhmmmmeff__NA__ Discipline eeggggfThere is no discipline in schools today eggf@T@fffffgfffgfffeffjeef@m@Lawrence MO geeLawrence MO @fefeihffjffeifP@eeeee Bp Bg=AeeeeemhKu?mhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fffimgmmmffefffe__NA__ Keep their high ratings up for my property valueffggfgg__NA__ effeeO@egeefgeeeegggfg@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijefes MO @egeikfeeeeeeem`@jfhko B} BR8ǍU`?ffeefhmhhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fggggmfffmmmmgfe__NA__ Academic achievement ffffeee__NA__ effeee@eeefeeefeeeefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jegfex@jiiofeeeeefepg@@ffke B B|06AZ?eeefmhmghhem__NA__ h__NA__ ggfgmgmmmegfggfe__NA__ What they are doing now ggeeeefToo much pressure on teachers efefeee@eefeeefeeeefe@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jegeeiH@eipfggeeefeeff`@fjffPQ Bg B9I?ehemffefff__NA__ e__NA__ gfefimfegmmmmefh__NA__ I can't think of anything fffgfffThe lack of ability to discipline the children. e@fefffffgeffgefffefej[@Cedar MOeefgCedar MOeefeihid@hffkff@eheeeeeeffee½ Bhٽ B3A\?egmghhhemf__NA__ __NA__ gghgfmffgmmmmefg__NA__ Expanded life classes ffgffge__NA__ efw@geeggeefgeefeggefegf@@Webster MO ffgfWebster MO ffegeek@feeeee @feeifgg Bfeeehȡ B?3>A?hmffeefee__NA__ __NA__ hgegfmfefmmmmefj__NA__ Constitutional Studies and economics eeeeggfNo respect from students anymore. Violence in the classroom is on the rise. ggg@feffffefffefffefljee@@Wright MO fgffWright MO fefeejf@giffeh @eefeeel B Befeefm:Ac?hmhhhgjNone e__NA__ hhhhmhmmmffegefj__NA__ I have no clue ggggggfLow pay especially in Missouri eiif@@egfeeffffffffeffieee@|@Pulaski MO hgePulaski MO @fehjkhfghfeegh@@njfhj0u Bx B9I?eeehmfmeeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hfffmfmmmfegeefe__NA__ Quality of teachers and education. eeegfee__NA__ ggfegff@o@fgfffgfegfeffq@Marion MO ieeeMarion MO eegfeiL@jiofgiffeheeff @eefe| Bؚ Bz|A[\@eeeehmfmfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hhfgmfmmmfgfefff__NA__ Shop class, homak teach kids about how to do a checkbook change a tire and read in cursive. gggfggfBecause schools are teaching kids things they should not have their nose in like a parents job to raise their children and keep schools and teachers political opinions out of schools and kids along with transgender that's the biggest joke there is.ghheff@ffeefffefffefe@St. Charfggeles MO St. Charles MO jffee@fejlffkffeigph@ffgfr B Bg.A*ZUq?eeeegmhghgem__NA__ h__NA__ fffigmhfhmmmmgfe__NA__ white privilage eeeegge__NA__ eifeeee@E@eefeeefeeeefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO iegfeft@giofeeeeeeeeffA@eefe@s B BDA<ٲf?eehhmggfgfe__NA__ h__NA__ hgffgmffhmmmmefe__NA__ Reading writing and arithmetic eeeegge__NA__ @gggffffffefffefffefe@h@Howard MO jeefeHoward MO eeeeee@ihffkffeieefee@eeee B B!cI?ehmimheefe__NA__ e__NA__ hghhmemmmfgfeefg__NA__ More emphasis on Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, History and Governmental Affairs. A whole lot less emphasis on sports, entertainment and running around to meetings, clubs, contests and sporting events. All extracurricular activities, especially the FFA pro gram, should be curtailed to the point where there is only one maybe two events per year that the students are not at school. eeeefffThe public schools are a cease pool of everything that is evil in our society. Starting with NOT teaching anything of substance to not discipling students that cause the most trouble, to allowing students to act like a 'fur baby' and providing a litter bo x, to allowing transition closets for so-called transgenders whom are actually mentally ill or will outgrow their 'feelings' so they can sneek behind their parents backs, to teaching students to lie to their parents, and on and on and on it goes. f@@fhffffffefffefffeffj@t@Monroe MO eefeMonroe MO eefeiemx@gfgiff`@eieeeeeeffee B8D BfR9ADÚ?hgmfffifee__NA__ __NA__ hgffgmgggmmmmeffCrane RIII Reading programseeeeggg__NA__ eg@gffffffgfffgfffefgie@@Stone MOefgfStone MOefeiijg@ffkffe@heeieeef Beeeehx B ?A^W?mfmfeffig__NA__ __NA__ hfghmfmmmfegeeee__NA__ ciriculum on Math, Reading, Writing eeeeeefthe children now lack discipline and they aren't eager to learn like they use to be eeg@gffffeefffefffeffjee@Wayne MOfhfgWayne MOefheeoe@giffeh:@eefeef@ B8 Bfeeefh2AKu?mhhhgem__NA__ f__NA__ ffgghmffgmmmmffe__NA__ Continue using advance technology such as tablets etc. Focus on truth in history and science and keep religion out of public schools and allow students free speech such as not being forced to do the pledge of alligence. ggeeeefTo many teachers are under the gun from politicians to whitewash history and science. effe?@eggeefgeeeeeeefggffe@e@Greene MO gefGreene MO @eegeimfeeeeeee@eifgg^ Bhw B{=AfeeefhmW?ghhhem__NA__ g__NA__ ggfggmfgfmmmmfef__NA__ Fighting back against book banning and other ultra-conservative efforts fffgfge__NA__ effge9@egeefggefeggefg@e@gffeGreene MO Greene MggfeO @ejeekeggeeefee@feeg B B@A*ZUq?efeeemgmgggem__NA__ g__NA__ ffghmgmmmefegefe__NA__ Depending on the grade, I think the schools should put more priority on Math teachings, and Economics. eeeeggfThe pay of a teacher isn't worth what they have to deal with, at least in Missouri. The pay is very low, they have to purchase a lot of their own classroom necessities, and the pupils per class is large. efefef@@ffefffefeffefg@n@Lincoln fggfMO Lincoln MO eeefeL@fgigfefeeefefg@@fehfj Bؖ Bc B1A(~?fmeeeefee__NA__ __NA__ gffffmfgfmmmmefe__NA__ Making certain students are properly educated eeeggge__NA__ ggf@feffffffffffffefehff^@Cole MO eeefCole MO eeieilf@fkffei@efifegx B@ Befeehm=A(x7k?fmfeffg__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmfmmmfgfeefg__NA__ performing at grade level and preparing them for collegeggggggfI witnessed the daily stress my daughter went through as a teacher in Jefferson city schools. She left teaching and has greatly improved her life. eigf@fffgeefffefffefeieee@|@Pulaski MO hfgPulaski MO @fegeinffjffehe@ojfhk2 BF B2Aefeehmf_NRY?meeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hggimfmmmfefeeff__NA__ Not insisting that kids go to college. Learning more practical things that they will learn in real life.eeeefefNot enough teaching and too much government interference as to what to teach that has nothing to do with the real reason they go to school. To much indoctrination of the kids. eehfe@ffffefffefffefef@jeeeHenry MOHenry MOgeff@eghekffkffeiee@ieff B BEA 9E"?ffeehgmfffffjWhoever wins the nominathion __NA__ ggiihmgfhmmmmfff__NA__ I have no idea ggggggg__NA__ eigfff @fffefffefffefg@e@Greene MgffeO Greene MO gffee@geimffkffeheeh @efgf B@ Bq8AM?eeehgmffffff__NA__ e__NA__ hhfghmeggmmmmefi__NA__ Stop spending money ! They just expanded the school a couple years ago. Now they bought land with the rumor being building a new school with a new tax levy. ffgffffDangerous in todays world. Kids are not raised to respect the authority of teachers and their role. gffefff@ffefffefffeffa@DeKalb MO hfffDeKalb MO ffffei@eemffkffehefhf@}@eeef; BP Bkz5ǍU`?eefmhmghhem__NA__ e__NA__ gghgmgmmmffefffe__NA__ I worked for 25 years in the inner city. One of my main concerns was how students could even begin to learn with all the trauma they experience in their daily lives. All the effects of poverty that the children have to deal with must be addressed if we ex pect and wish for them to be able to learn. eggeegfThe pressures and expectations are overwhelming. Until there is better control of student behaviors and less demands from school boards conservative decisions I would not encourage anyone to teach-especially for the public school system. @eegeefeeefgeefeegefg@St. Louis city MO ehfejSt. Louis city MO eefejip@iffggkeegeojfh`@keee B+ B GA_NRY?ehmgmeefff__NA__ h__NA__ hfffmemmmfefeefh__NA__ Learn to balance the budget fairly. Take away some of the extravagant spending on sports and put it in Reading, Writing and Arithmetic! We are graduating children who cannot write, balance a checkbook, or work. eeeeggfThe pay is too low. The benefits are not class A either.e@fefffeffelffegffefgi@z@Phelps MO eeehPhelps MO effegeih@kfgiffp@ehfeeeeeeeeeh B BҼ9A\?fmhmhhhemf__NA__ __NA__ fgghmgmmmgfefgfg__NA__ Child Safety (aka school shooting prevention); Keeping hate groups like 'Mom's for Liberty' out of our schools; Stopping Book Bans; stopping the perversion of history by rewriting it to whitewash the horrors of slavery, segregation, and the Holocaust. ffffegfBecause the pay is poor; the respect is non-existent; the chance of dying from a mass shooting is too high; and the State is banning books and re-writing history to suit its' white Christian Nationalist Agenda. ef6@gfeeeeefeeefeefefehf^@Cole MO feefCole MO gfegein̞@fggeee@eeojfhj؟ Bfeeehx BEAڐ ?imifeffee__NA__ __NA__ hhhhhmgfhmmmmffh__NA__ Not promote transgender issues eeggeefChildren are do unruly and poorly parented eehz@ffffffefffffffefggff@e@Greene MO egeeGreene MO fefeigfX@fkffeh@eeeeee( B Bffeehgl@Aڐ ?mffeffe__NA__ h__NA__ hgfgfmhghmmmmeff__NA__ Not teaching to pass the state required test but teach the basics of education needed eeeeegfThe disipline is a big problem in schools as teachers do not have the right to punish a child anymore. Plus mandidtory regulations against teaching moral issuesefgf@ffffgeffeffffefegffe\@Christian MO geeChristian MO h@fefeiiffkffeie@efeee B BCAfeeehgm_NRY?ffeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffemffgmmmmefg__NA__ Educational supplies eegeggfInadequate pay. Too much out of pocket expense. ehgff @ffffefffgfffefll@fggfLafayette MO Lafayettfeffe MO |@egeilfgiffeheeI@keee؏ B BKAa6a?eeeeemhmghhem__NA__ h__NA__ efefmgmmmefeegfi__NA__ training in skilled trades fffgfffUntil politics is out of education, teachers will unfairly be targets of parents who do not share the same views. efegeg@geefgeefeefefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jfgee@ieeofeeeeefeoi@ffgeP  B BKAd. ?eeehmemfeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfegegfe__NA__ Reading, writing and arithmetic eeeeeefPublic schools are controlled by unions that support the current federal government's bad policies that do not help our future children to grow up and be responsible adults. gihffff@@ffffffefffeff@St. Charles MO fggeSt. Charles MO jffeei@eemfgiffeheefe@eefe B B 4A?eehgmifeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hhiifmfegmmmmeff__NA__ Teaching kids the real history of our country/world ggggggg__NA__ @gihffffffefffefffefgm@Lewis MOieefeLewis MOfefeeg@efffkffeheeiee@efee B B GAڐ ?ehfmffeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hhiihmfgimmmmgfe__NA__ Teaching the basics three Rs eeeeggfI have lost all respect for the majority of teachers. gJ@ihfefffgefffegffefeei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO eefefhi@gffkffF@eheejffeffee\ Bw B6j.Am6ڢ?hgmfeeefee__NA__ __NA__ hghhhmffgmmmmgff__NA__ Education should be priority. eeeeeefThe teachers union control. Teachers have to follow an agenda. gi2@hffffffgfffefffefgehi@Jackson MO feieJackson MO efefgjg@ffkffeF@heeieefI Bffeeh q BpDACP(?hmffffffe__NA__ __NA__ gggghmffgmmmmefg__NA__ Getting rid of woke agenda. Being transparent. eeeeeefOverwhelming liberal influence. gfhF@ffffffefffefffefegff@@Webster MO fgffWebster MO eegeejf@hiffei @eefeee) B0: Bffeefg=Ah MT?mhhhhhjSomeone hProgressive __NA__ hhhhhmfghmmmmgff__NA__ Accurate information and teaching kids to think critically and how to look for accurate sources for information. Also some media literacy, and how to identify propaganda. ggggggg__NA__ eife>@eeeeefeeefeeehfgehfei@Jackson MO igeJackson MO @feiiehfgleeeee@F@ogffl0 B B2Aefeehme>I?meeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmgmmmfegegfe__NA__ Math science and language art instruction eegggeg__NA__ efgfg@fffgeffgeeffeff]@fggeClay MO Clay MO ieffp@eieimffkffeiefS@ffegX' B^ Bg0A>I?egeehmfmffffe__NA__ h__NA__ hghhmhmmmfgfegfe__NA__ actually teaching the basics and not indoctrinating children eegeegftheir education in college is not conducive to good teaching practices, teaching has become too political gfhfff@ffgeffgefffefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jeefe`@igiiffkffeheei@fefe` B BU2AmSC?feehmfmeeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfgmfmmmfefeefm__NA__ Finding qualified teachers and directing more of the available budget resources to paying higher wages to attract better teachers. eeeeege__NA__ efffeff@fegffeefffefeh@Howell MO ieefHowell MO hefeei@emkffkffeheefe@eeee8 BH B5AS6?eehmemeffff__NA__ g__NA__ hfffmfmmmfeeeefg__NA__ Free meals for all students. Curriculum based on science not politicized by teacher unions and the media. eeeegge__NA__ @]@effffffeeefeeeeffefe@@Ripley MO jeefhRipley MO efeeje@fmffkffeieefee7@eeee BX# BKA o򢰸?ehmfmefffi__NA__ h__NA__ gfefmfmmmfegeefrmiller r2 safety geeeeee__NA__ g@fffefffefffeffffefeh^@Cole MO ffeeCole MO ffejjee@mfgiff@egffffefeeee B8 B)P.AM?hmfmffffee__NA__ __NA__ hhggmfmmmfgfegff__NA__ Pay for paraprofessionals, substitute teachers, and support personnel is poor. They also have a poor health insurance policy. eeeeeefThe hours are very long for many teachers, the pay is poor in SW Missouri, and teachers and paraprofessionals often must purchase supplies from their own money. Yes. I working the school system. ef@gfffffgeffgefffeffhf@j@Jasper MO fegfJasper MO ffeiekj@ffkffe@hfefeeeH Bfeeef BKAr" ?gmghhhemi__NA__ Elected officials do as the voters say fieifmefhmmmmefi__NA__ Drugs; Alcohol; pregnancy programs ffgfgge__NA__ efi`@feffeeffeeffeeefeehfi@Jackson MO eiegJackson MO fegeinf@eeeeef`I@efifee B Bfeeefg*7Ap?mgggggg__NA__ h__NA__ gghhhmffhmmmmffe__NA__ getting students under the 16 into schools way too many are into crime eeeeeeftoo dangerous today's kids way too undisciplinedeegf`x@ffeeefeeefeffefgehfe@St. Louis city MO jffSt. Louis city MO @efgjijeeeeeeee@pgeegXs B` BKAefeefmgc>?mghiem__NA__ g__NA__ ffgimgmmmefefgee__NA__ Equity across all schools. gfggggg__NA__ eeege.@egeefgeefeefefe@W@hffeBuchanan MO Buchananffge MO ؞@eieeqeefkeefen@@jfhkh. B@2. BXAAMkQ?feeefgmhhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ egfghmgggmmmmgfi__NA__ Alternative paths after high school like trade schools. fffgfgg__NA__ efeeee9@geefgeegeegefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jgefe$@iififggkeeeenh@fffeh B BKAIL?eeegmfmefffh__NA__ e__NA__ hhggmfmmmfggeefe__NA__ Education and health eeeeeee__NA__ eegfeffP@eefffeffffefe@n@Lincoln MO fggfLincoln MO eegfejd@hfoffkffeheojf@@fgee( B(: BRDAڐ ?eehmimfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hghhmfmmmfgeegfe__NA__ Drop all the LBQRST+ eeeeeee__NA__ `@efhfeffffgfffefffeflj@Jefferson MO fggejJefferson MO eefefgx@ifffkffehepiff@@eeeeph B0| BAA?ehmfmfeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hgghmfmmmfegefee__NA__ Learning fundamentals and regular life skills eeeegefIt's more about politics than teaching anymore g@ggfefffggffgggffefgg@e@Greene MO ffegGreene MO fffefge@jefkff@eheeeeeefeee B`S BWZ2A(x7k?hhmffeefee__NA__ __NA__ hfiifmfffmmmmgfh__NA__ Not sureeeeegge__NA__ eiI@iefffffefffegffefegf\@Christian MO fegfChristian MO ffegeij@fefffeP@heefeee BfeeefH B2Ac?fmffffeme__NA__ __NA__ fffffmfffmmmmeen__NA__ Making the teachers teach class instead of using technology for teaching. gggggge__NA__ fgg@ggggggggggggggefejee@b@Dent MO fhgeDent MO fehekee@eeeeee@gojeef. B8: Bfeeefi;:Ar̔Z?mhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ ggghfmgfhmmmmeeg__NA__ Our school, at least through 7th grade, doesn't use books. The kids bring nothing home so if they're falling behind, there's not enough time/help in school they can't get help from their parents because we literally don't know what they're doing. gfggegfThis is going to vary by individual. I don't think anyone should be a teacher because they can't think of anything else to do. If it's what they WANT to do then they should, if it's not I would tell them to figure out what they want to do, not opt in for teaching because anyone is allowed to do it. efff@eegeefeeefeeeefghfffX@Callaway MO egeCallaway MO @fegekheggeeeee@ojfgf` B1 B"2Affeeefm?ghhhem__NA__ e__NA__ ffffgmefgmmmmgef__NA__ N/A my child attends a private school in St. Charles eeegfffAdministrators do it support teachers because they must do what patents want eiige@gfggffggfgffefg@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijfgfs MO @ejeepeggkeegef`@efee. BN B5A*f?efeehmfmffffe__NA__ e__NA__ ggfgmfmmmfefegeg__NA__ Putting gifted children in more advanced classes. Putting slower children in classes where the receive additional assistance. gggggge__NA__ efffef @ffegffefeffefe]@Clay MO fggeClay MO iffee@jgijfgiffegeehH@efge B B+ACP(?eeehmfmeeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hfggmfmmmfefeeff__NA__ Teaching the basics eeeeeefDead end woke road to nowhere gihfeffh@ffefffefffefe@m@Lawrence MO jeefLawrence MO gfeeeh@hegfeegfegepjf @fkfez B B;2A?eehgmffeffe__NA__ f__NA__ gfffgmhhgmmmmeff__NA__ Making sure the kids are learning true history. gegeeee__NA__ @eiffffffeeffefeffefej@Jefferson MO fggejJefferson MO fefefiܞ@jfffjffehfojfg@kfee@ B Bg9A?ehhmhgiffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfifmffhmmmmefe__NA__ ggfgggg__NA__ e @igffffgeeffeegggefef@n@Lincoln MO ggfeLincoln MO fffefee@kffkkf@ejhejeejffee0 B BA>?gmffeefee__NA__ __NA__ hffghmgfhmmmmgfe__NA__ Fewer administrators and more support for teachers who are teaching well! No critical race theory! eeeeggfI am finishing up 35 years of teaching. Many of those were in public schools. Teachers no longer get to teach, students no longer get to learn. eeg7@fgfffgeffgegffefgfgg@[@Cass MO eieCass MO feheef@giffehA@eeheee B Beeeehm^4As>lѳ?gmififg__NA__ e__NA__ ggffmfmmmfeeggfg__NA__ Not suregggeggg__NA__ eigf @gffffffffeeffeffhffe@j@Jasper MO ghJasper MO 0@fefimffkffehf@eheee BЪ B1DAfeeeigmAMkQ?hhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ iiigimghhmmmmffe__NA__ Fighting unnecessary tax incentives for developers which shortchange our children's future by depriving them of education funding. ggggggfPoor pay, lots of burnout, and too many responsibilities not adequately compensated for efgee@eeeefeeefeeehfgi@ehfeJackson MO Jackson igffMO @eieelfefeeeeenM@ifhk B B;2Ac'z?eeeeemgmhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fgfgmfmmmefeggfe__NA__ Teaching real history and real science, not rewriting history and ignoring science. They still do, but with Gov Parson and the GOP-dominated legislature and right wingers getting elected to school boards, it's only a matter of time before they'll pull som e nonsense like Florida did recently. fffeeefHaving many teachers as friends through the years, I know it can be rewarding. But here in the KC area, it's can also be a major challenge, depending on the school to which you're assigned. I've had one friend quit the profession due to what he perceived as a who-cares attitude from both students and administration. Several others have said while they don't regret teaching, they'd hesitate to recommend others choose it as a career. They're teachers in this area, so I trust them to know. effeee`X@eeefeeefeeegfg]@Clay MO fggeClay MO ieeeel@geihfeeeeeeeph`S@ffff B@ BBA۰MT7?feefgmhhhiem__NA__ f__NA__ gghigmfggmmmmffe__NA__ Na eegfefe__NA__ efefeee@eefeeefeeehfg@St. Louis city MehfeO St. Louis city MO jggfej@eeoeeeeeeefnjf@hkfef Bt B:A\?eeggmhhhhgjDean Phillips f__NA__ hhhhgmfehmmmmgfh__NA__ Getting internet to those families without so the kids can school from home. ffffggfThey don't get paid enough. They have to take on more than they can handle. They don't have help when they need it. q@eigeeeeeefeeefeffhffW@Butler MO ieefhButler MO fffehgԞ@kkfeekeeefjjfg3@effem B( B3A[\@ehgmeeeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hggggmfegmmmmefe__NA__ no more building. taxes are too high gggeeefthey are being indoctrinated to teach hate g`B@igfgfffeeffeeeffefeh^@Cole MO ffeeCole MO ffeefee@kffjff@ehefhfefefeeU Bho BsUA)Zkm?hmfmfeefee__NA__ __NA__ hgfimemmmfegeeff__NA__ Reading, writing and math.......eeeeeeg__NA__ gf@gfgfffeeffgefffefgie@@Taney MOeegfTaney MOeekheii@ffkffeP@hffiffi: BefeehE: B@FA-@j(?mfmgfffig__NA__ __NA__ hghgmfmmmfgfeeee__NA__ Keeping teachers that are qualified instead of hiring teachers that are very unqualified. My son had a kindergarten teacher that I would say was actually ever qualified and taught him a lot, and they let her go. She was amazing. There also is no extra cla sses for kids that need advanced learning, and my child needs advanced reading and math in elementary. The teachers and administration should probably spend less time drinking together and more time thinking about our children that are in school and not j ust being satisfied with them being poor and uneducated in a rural community. eegeeeg__NA__ gfh`L@fgffffefffefffefejeee@Grundy MO efggGrundy MO fefekne@fkjfeh @eeieeeh B Bffeehh/A?mfffifi__NA__ iCRIME! It is out of control ghgghmfggmmmmgff__NA__ Teach kids LIFE SKILLS. And to be assets to society. ggeegge__NA__ eehf`A@efffeefffefffefefggej@Jefferson MO jffJefferson MO @fejgijffkffehe@eheee B B}3Aeeeehmf?mffffe__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhmhmmmfeeegfe__NA__ To lower our damm taxes we pay to the schools almost 1000 I don't even have kids in school then my sister went to buy school supplies one child cost her 400. Had to buy 2 of everything one for her child and one for the child that can't afford supplies eeeeeeg__NA__ eeffe@@gfeeffeefegeefej@fggeJefferson MO Jeffersojfffn MO Ğ@efekmffkffefff@@jffg B B 9A 9E"?ffeehfmeeeefi__NA__ e__NA__ gfeffmgefmmmmefh__NA__ Factual History eeggeefBecause of the immense pressure from the teachers unions. eiffef m@fffffffffffeflj@Jeffersofggen MO Jefferson MO jfgee@geepffkffeieei@eeif B` BI?ehgmfffffh__NA__ e__NA__ hggggmfefmmmmeff__NA__ Science gggggge__NA__ e@@ffgeffeeffeefeegefgi@k@Johnson MO eeffJohnson MO eefeiefp@ifgiff @eggnifgjffee Z BXh B*a6AE G??egmhhhhemh__NA__ __NA__ fgfggmffgmmmmeei__NA__ STEM courses ffffeee__NA__ ee@eeeeeeefeeefeeeefegf@e@Greene MO fegfGreene MO geejefqԞ@eggeee@gemjfhk Bfeeef B6Ag ?fmhhhhemg__NA__ __NA__ ghfffmffhmmmmgfe__NA__ Equal educational opportunities for all children. Opportunities to learn about all cultures and to share experiences. ffffffe__NA__ eee@eeggeefgeefeeeefffgg]@Clay MO eiefClay MO feieikf@ggkeegC@effeefy Bp Begfegmu3A+Œ?hmiiihjnot sureg__NA__ gffgmgmmmfggfffe__NA__ I don't know since I don't have any children and don't keep up with what goes on within it. ggeeggfThe parents don't take responsibility for their child actions, their lack of parenting and involvement with their child school activities and expect to much out of teachers. eige@efffefffeefffefgehfei@Jackson MO igeJackson MO @ffhieffefkeefgG@ejfff B% B;5Aeffeemf1b?mghiem__NA__ f__NA__ fgfgmhmmmefeggfe__NA__ safety gggeffg__NA__ eggfe`x@geeeffeefgggefg@{@fggePlatte MO Platte MihefO 0@hiihefeeeeeeheS@feeg B* BAA6{9?ffeeehmhhhhhjme irace hhhhhmeehmmmmfee__NA__ no idea ggggggg__NA__ gefgffl@eeefeeeggggefei@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO igfef@heemeilkjeggoeC@eege`x B BӾ@Ar" ?eeeemhmhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ gghhmhmmmgfefgfe__NA__ Early education ffggggfMissouri pay for teachers is one of the worst in the country eefeeee@`@eefeeefeegefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jeefeg@eiifeeeeeeefhf @feff B" BsUA p/@eeghmffhfhf__NA__ e__NA__ hhggfmefhmmmmefe__NA__ Diversity eeeeeefNo appreciation or pay to reflect the time and love you put into it @eefeeegeefgeefeefefeX@Callaway MO hfffeCallaway MO ggeege@eofghffegfefee`@eefe2 B2 BKAr@ehmfmfffff__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmfmmmfefeeff__NA__ Math and scienceeeeeeefNo moneygg@ggfeffffefffefffefei@R@Adair MOeeeeAdair MOfgfhjei@rfhiff@ehenjfhkffeep B0l Bj2Afeeeegm\?hhhiem__NA__ f__NA__ ghhhgmhhhmmmmeff__NA__ Expansion of history and music, art classes. No book banning!! ggeeggfBecause they don’t get paid their worth in our society. They are responsible for our children and they are not treated well. efeeeU@ffeeffeefeeeefgc@fggfFranklin MO Franklinefef MO @egejhfggeeefee @ifff( BP BCA?eeeehmgmggghf__NA__ e__NA__ hhgfmgmmmffgeffe__NA__ The children’s welfareggeegge__NA__ ggigff @fffgfffgfffefe@St. Louiehfes city MO St. Louis city MjeefeO $@ghigfhhefeggef@eeefX Bx B?hhmffeffie__NA__ __NA__ hggghmffhmmmmgfg__NA__ True education, not political rhetoric and CRT eeeeeefPay and violence of children in the inner city ee@hfeffffgfffgfffefgehi@Jackson MO feieJackson MO ffegeem@fghffe@Q@heeheee@ Bffeef B^AA1b?hmhhhiemf__NA__ __NA__ ghhhgmhghmmmmgfh__NA__ No opinion ggggfffA stressful environment with no benefits and dangerous situations eig@@eeeeeefeeefeeghfgfgg@@St. Louis MO ejheSt. Louis MO fgiihff0@eeeeee@@efffee& B7 Befeefm7A3.8?gmhhgem__NA__ e__NA__ hhggmhmmmffeffee__NA__ Higher pay for teachers fggefge__NA__ efff@E@eeeeefeeefeggefffgge]@Clay MO igeClay MO @fggeeieeeeeefgN@ojfhj B` B+Afeeehgmol?fffihg__NA__ e__NA__ hgegemgggmmmmefe__NA__ No changes. They are doing an excellent job! gggefgfAs a whole, education has become too politicized and has lost its way. I believe there is a high likelihood of "burnout" in the teaching profession today. efgfe@ffffffffffffefeR@hfffAndrew MO Andrew MfeefO @ejhigfghffegehv@gffgp B` BAA,hP@eeeefmgmghgem__NA__ f__NA__ ffhhmgmmmefefgfe__NA__ Smaller class sizes. eeeeeee__NA__ eiieef@fffffffffffefl@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jeff@ieifggeeegeoh@@feee BX3 B?AAMkQ?feefmgmiiiem__NA__ g__NA__ ggfimfmmmgggggeh__NA__ Teacher retention/salaries gggggge__NA__ effeegg`@eeffeefgggefg@St. Charles MO fggeSt. Charles MO jggfei@eloeghgeegeeie@fefg B BAAM_ @eeiimihhhhe__NA__ iGun violence in Kansas City hhiihmfhhmmmmgfe__NA__ Free lunch in school! No child should have to worry about not getting a nutritious meal based on ability to pay ggggggfToo many hassles low pay,violence, discrimination in schools @eiieffgggfgggggffefg@[@Cass MO fggeiCass MO fffffg@kjfeekjegefhfeA@eeee0 B? B>DANmB@eemhmhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fghhmhmmmegefffe__NA__ Better curriculum, better class sizes, better technology, better pay for teachers. fffggge__NA__ e@@eeeeegeefeeefeefefgei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO geejgih@efeeeeO@eeemjfhkeeee0_ B@t BKA?emhmhhheme__NA__ __NA__ fhghmgmmmefefgef__NA__ Focus on the basics of education and remediating learning loss from covid. Schools should stay out of all political games including book banning. ggggggfMAGA parents, poor pay in Missouri due to the GOP ee@8@egeggeefgeefeeeefffg@@St. Louis MO gejfSt. Louis MO fejee@eggfee@gefhfgi Bfeeeh  BvUA?imffeefeh__NA__ __NA__ hhghgmgfgmmmmefg__NA__ Don't know eeeeefe__NA__ eig@feffffegffgfffefljee@Stoddard MO fhfeStoddard MO fefgjef؞@giffeh;@eofeee0 Bx 1 Bfeeeeiџ+Ag ?mhhhhem__NA__ irestoring abortion and sexual privacy rights egghgmffgmmmmffe__NA__ secular curriculum that allows every student to reach their full potential whether in a skilled trade or a college-degreed occupation in 21st century careers egefege__NA__ eeee@@eegeefgeefeefefgehfei@Jackson MO iefJackson MO @feieimfeeeeefe M@pjfhj BH BB*AAffeeggm(x7k?gfffhe__NA__ e__NA__ hhgghmgfhmmmmefh__NA__ They should concentrate more on learning, community, state, and national pride and acceptance of ALL people. Teach more environmental issues. eeeeeee__NA__ eggfe@@egeefgeefeffefgW@ieefButler MO Butler MhfefO @ehhiffghffeffo3@jfhg B B f9A?efeefmgmghhem__NA__ f__NA__ ggghmgmmmeefegff__NA__ I have no children so have no idea fffffffNo appreciation or pay efhfffj@feeffeeffffefg@{@Platte MfggeO Platte MO ifgfeȞ@jeeofefeeegenjR@fhkfb B0o B8AM?feehgmffefhf__NA__ g__NA__ hhgigmffgmmmmefg__NA__ More emphasis on reading, writing, math, and science. ggggggg__NA__ gigffff0@ffgfffgfffjfl[@Cedar MOjeefCedar MOgfgfeiԞ@eeoffjefeggogf@egffh BP BKA-*?eeegmhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fffgfmgfgmmmmgfi__NA__ Diversity, reading skills, social equityffgffgfNot respected, sometimes underpaid, subject to political manipulation. @eifgeeeeefeeefeeeefg@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO egeejex@iqfeeeeefemjfh@kfee0 B  BKAp+ :?efgmhfhhgjnone icrime fhhhhmfffmmmmffe__NA__ Just close it down and let the kids run amcuk with no personal or parental reponsibilty. That would save $750 million to fund the prisons most of them will end up living. ffffggfLack of pay and respect.e`@ehfegffefffeffffgfge@St. Louis city MO hfejSt. Louis city MO ffeejieȞ@lfggee@effnifhkfeee8y B B:A?fgmhhhgemh__NA__ __NA__ gghghmffgmmmmffe__NA__ Increasing teacher's pay and then hiring quality teachers. Teachers are asked to do way too much for the pay they get. In turn, the kids don't get what they need from the teacher. It's a vicious circle, but we have to get better and more teachers in our s chools. eeeeeeg__NA__ ee @ggegfggffeefeggefgeh@St. Louis city MO fejfSt. Louis city MO ffejgmk@feeeee@gefhfgg Befeeh- BJ2A(x7k?mfmffffeh__NA__ __NA__ hgffmfmmmfegeeff__NA__ Free lunches gfggfffToo dangerous and not enough money egf`2@ffffffefffefffefgjee@T@Barry MOfgfeBarry MOfegjiff@fjefeh@eefeef@W Bk Bfgeehh80A?mgigife__NA__ e__NA__ ighiimffgmmmmefe__NA__ paying the paraprofessionals more money. Expesaly the ones that work with special needs kids. This is my mom's job and she gets bit, scratched, punched, kicked, slapped, etc from the kids and she can't do anything to defend herself because it would count as abuse. One time my mom got in trouble with one of these special needs kids' mom because she just told the kid to stop hitting her. The mom said (And I quote) 'She can do whatever she wants because she's special.' Which is not right at all. gggeggg__NA__ ehgf`C@fffgeefffefffeffieeeq@Marion MO eyhMarion MO H@fefifffkkjejg @efeeh`( B= BY:@fffffgfffgfffefejeeef@Henry MOgeHenry MO@eefeiffkffeig`@effeh8 B8 BPDAefeefmg?mhgfgg__NA__ e__NA__ hhggmfmmmffefgei__NA__ Bullyingeeeeeee__NA__ eggfe @ffeeffeefeefefe_@jeefCrawford MO Crawfordhgfe MO @egeejegghheeeo@hfee B0 Bm9A=f?fgeehhmggfffe__NA__ f__NA__ hhffhmfegmmmmfff__NA__ Safety eefefffPay gggfff@fffefffefffefg@R@Adair MOieeeAdair MOefeee@feegffkkjeffeg@ffff؄ Bx By7A52?feehhmffeifi__NA__ e__NA__ hhgigmeegmmmmefh__NA__ From Middle school through High School there should be more training in the areas of Economics and Government- particularly the reasons for and meanings behind both the MO Constitution and the US Constitution, and why we are a "Republic" and not the mob r ule of a democracy. Finally, there should be much more education on how to recognize propaganda and how easy it is to manipulate large groups of people. Currently, education only teaches what propaganda is, but not how it works or why it's effective. eeeeeefI don't think teaching should be a career. Teachers are just a susceptible to the wills and whims of unions or government influences and there have been times when those interests supersede actual education and become less about teaching and more about te achers or curriculum. The result is bad teachers who cannot be fired because they have tenure, or they are forced to teach something they disagree with and will not leave the profession because they have too much time invested to do so. Additionally, alwa ys being the authority or the smartest person in the room and to have peers that are in the same boat tends to lock a person into just one way of accepting ideas. This (in teaching) creates the notion that failing to agree with an idea is the same as fail ing to understand that idea, particularly in areas of politics. An example of this would be to teach that socialism is a good thing but if a student disagrees and presents examples of why it's not, they fail the class; or the ideas of gender fluidity; or the inefficiency of common core math...Too much time in the job creates an absolute that the teacher's authority is always the only solution. This arrogance is not good for the class room and will be bad for the country later because society will fail to question bad or unconstitutional laws. A career in teaching simply lays the foundation to ultimately condition the youth to never challenge authority. How can a teacher teach kids to stand against that when they themselves simply comply with the authoriti es (unions or government, district authority, etc) they disagree with? eihfeff@eefffefgffefeh@Howell MO ieefHowell MO hffeeg@gejfghffegenif@fiefP Bx6 B99Aa6a?eeemhmhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ fgggmgmmmefefgfe__NA__ Getting teaches who will actually teach students something ffffggfDoesn’t pay worth crap. Can’t live on the salary and have to put up with too much bill from parents @eeheefgeefgeefeegefg]@Clay MO fggeiClay MO fgeeie@fnfggeeegefjfhN@kfee B8( Bd1AtyrL?ehimiifffe__NA__ e__NA__ gggggmgffmmmmffg__NA__ feeding the kids for free eeeeeefthe pay is not good ey@fffeeeeeefeefefeeffh@j@Jasper MO ffegJasper MO feeefgi@effkff@ehgejefeeeee~ B B|IAڐ ?hmfmeeefee__NA__ __NA__ gfffmfmmmfefegfe__NA__ basic education skills eeeeeeg__NA__ ggX@gffffffgfffgfffefgfg@@St. Louis MO gejeSt. Louis MO efefhigd@ffkffe`@ieejfgk Bffeee B6A>QB?fmhhhfemf__NA__ __NA__ ghghgmggfmmmmeff__NA__ Reading fefeffe__NA__ eee@ffffffefffeeffefgjee@s@Mississippi MO ehgfMississippi MO ffheelf@eeeeej@+@heeeeg6 BX^ Beeeeemp@gefffgfegfefg@St. Louis city MehfeO St. Louis city MO jfeeei@ejifefefegffff`@effe B ByUAo3L ?eeefmfhhiem__NA__ iGun control gfhhhmeegmmmmffe__NA__ Engaging children well enough to keep them interested in learning. fgeffffChildren are much tougher and strong willed. Some have no respect for authority.@efgegfffefffefeffefg@St. Louis city MO ehfejSt. Louis city MO ffffhi@ejfeeeeegeeifg@geee1 B1 BUDAw?efmgmghhem__NA__ h__NA__ gfffmfmmmffgegff__NA__ Academic performance ffggfgfThe pay is not great and there seems to be a lack of support for teachers amongst a school’s leaders. e@iffeffeeffeefgffgfef@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO gfeeiie$@jfggje@egemjfhkfeeeh7 BJ Br7AlE)pD?ffmhhhiemg__NA__ __NA__ hgghgmhggmmmmffg__NA__ Meeting the needs of low-income kids; supporting DEI; supporting and paying teachers better. ffgeeeg__NA__ ef@feeeeeefeeefeegheggf@e@Greene MO feg{hGreene MO efegilf@@fggkee@efiffeg8? BeeeeeT Bd5Aa6a?mhmhhhemf__NA__ __NA__ ehghmgmmmefefgej__NA__ Focus on better education, hiring more and better teachers eeeeeee__NA__ eff@@eegeeefeeefegfefgfgg@@St. Louis MO ejffSt. Louis MO eeieijf@eeeeee@@enjfhj(- B`? Befeehm4/Ah?fmffffjVivek Rahmaswamy __NA__ hgggmfmmmfffeefe__NA__ Reading eeeeggfWhat they are taught in the University. We do not need the Liberal, Woke, Crap being taught in local schools. gggfZ@effffffffefffjfgieee@@Taney MOgeeTaney MO@eehheifgiffehf@eifeg B  BF3Afeeehgm"`+?eeeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgghgmffgmmmmgff__NA__ History and the basics eeeeeefTo much politicsgghfe @ffffgfffgfffefei@ehfeJackson MO Jackson iffeMO Ԟ@ehgekegiffehefF@ifgj Bh BCA?feeeegmhhhgem__NA__ g__NA__ fgggemfffmmmmefh__NA__ Preparing students for today's career fields, as well as critical thinking skills. fffgeeg__NA__ eieeee@eeefeeefeegefg@z@Phelps MieeeO Phelps MO hfefe@jiihfeeeeeeeej @fgjeh B B¸KAp+ :?feeemgmghiem__NA__ e__NA__ fgghmhmmmgfeggfe__NA__ Not sureffggggfPoor pay. Not respected profession any longer. Teachers are vilified eifgege@eefeeefeeegfg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jfgeej@eepfggeeegeoif @hjegxP B(_ BN AXv3?fehmgmfiige__NA__ e__NA__ hgghmgmmmggeeeee__NA__ Education itself, there have been teachers that told my son (and his class) things that are verifiably not true. One example was a teacher told him no words in English end in the letter "C". We have a running joke between us now where we start listing wor ds that end with C. eeeeeee__NA__ @efgfefffffffffeffeff{@Polk MO gfffgPolk MO gefegj@feegikjeggehee@efee" BA BøKAE>%?ehgmfeeiff__NA__ iReligious freedom hgggfmfefmmmmeee__NA__ Stick to academics eeeeeefLow pay. High stress. g`@iiffffffefffefffefef@[@Cass MO ggeiCass MO ffeejee؞@mefjff`@ehfefeeefeee B B>1Aڐ ?hgmfffifef__NA__ __NA__ hghhgmhghmmmmefi__NA__ teaching basics , math , science , & history instead of critical race theory. ggggffe__NA__ gi@a@heefffgfffggfffefeje_@Crawford MO efheCrawford MO fefei@ffkffe@hefffefЏ BffeeiЫ BM2Ar" ?gmgghheme__NA__ __NA__ ghghhmfehmmmmffe__NA__ STEM and supporting studies eeeeeee__NA__ gfgL@feffeeffeeffffefehffV@Boone MOeeeeBoone MOfegheif@efeeeg`@fojffjس B Beeeefm4`4Ae:?gmghgem__NA__ e__NA__ ffffmgmmmffffgfe__NA__ Reading, Writing, Math, Science eeeeeee__NA__ efff@efeeefeeefeeeefggffe@e@Greene MO gfGreene MO @eeieefggggege@pieff B8 Bw=Affeefgm۰MT7?hghgem__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhgmhhhmmmmgfh__NA__ Teacher pay gffgggfExtremely low pay, tenure nearly impossible now, too many restrictions on letting teachers actually teach, focus on fax not on actually teaching children how to think efgee@@egeefeeefegeefe@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijgffs MO @ejejlfggkeeffm@@ifhkXw Bȉ BX:ATΝaV?ffeeegmihhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fhghhmfegmmmmgfi__NA__ Children safety.eeefeee__NA__ eeeeef@eeefeeefeffefe@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jeeff|@ggigfeeeeeeeei@ffeeX B BZAAڐ ?feehmemfeffe__NA__ h__NA__ hfffmemmmfefeefe__NA__ Hiring more teachers. fffegge__NA__ eifffff W@ffgfffefffeff@u@Morgan MO jeefMorgan MO geefef@ekhffkffeheeje`@eeff B B92A< ?eeefmghhhem__NA__ f__NA__ fggggmgghmmmmgfe__NA__ Attract and retain quality and motivated teachers ggffggg__NA__ @efeeeegeefeeefeegefg@W@Buchanan MO hffefBuchanan MO fefeiiĞ@jefeeeeeeemgfh@@keee`Y Bi B A>&r?mgmfhffhe__NA__ __NA__ hhhgmimmmffefefh__NA__ Discipline not babysitting gggggge__NA__ efg@ffffffffffefffefegff@@Webster MO fgffWebster MO fefefkf@fjejeh @gpfeee B$ Bffeeigg&r?hmgmfhfffe__NA__ __NA__ hghgmgmmmfffeefh__NA__ Discipline and respect gggggge__NA__ ef@gffffffffffffffefegf@@Webster MO ffgfWebster MO ffeeefj@ffjeje @hfpfeee@4 BffeefP BX5AJPn|1?gmgfhghie__NA__ __NA__ fgfgfmefgmmmmgfe__NA__ Educating children to be prepared for higher education, a trade school, the military or a job upon graduation from high school. They should be able to read, write and have the math skills expected of one graduating from a highly regarded school system. Th ey should also possess knowledge of the STEM subjects sufficient for the jobs that will be necessary. eegeeee__NA__ egf@eefeeefeeefegfefefgg@@St. Louis MO ejffSt. Louis MO eeiifjf@gieeeg`@efhffi Bx Bffeegga2A_NRY?miiiihh__NA__ e__NA__ hihihmeefmmmmgff__NA__ Basic skills fffffgg__NA__ giff}@effffffffgeffeflfgge@@St. Louis MO jeeSt. Louis MO x@feggiifihffehf@egeeeH? BPP B&@Aeeeehmf>?mefffg__NA__ e__NA__ gfffmemmmfggegff__NA__ Academics over sports eeeeege__NA__ eggfg@ffffefffefffefgj@fggeJefferson MO Jeffersojefn MO @egeifgiffehee@geee B Bu-ǍU`?ffeefhmhhghem__NA__ f__NA__ hhghhmfghmmmmgfi__NA__ Cross curricular instruction for integration and application of concepts. eeeefffAs a former teacher, the instructors have little control over their actual practices. Way too much paperwork to justify work that is not prioritized but the data driven emphasis is on the recording. The goal of educating has been lost. egieeg`l@geefeeefeegefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jeefe@jhiifeeeeefeoi@fffe B B=Ac?feefmhmhhgem__NA__ g__NA__ gghhmhmmmffffgff__NA__ bullying, race issues, implementing drivers education, communication with parents eeefggfi was a teacher, there was too much red tape. i could not get basic necessities for my classroomeffgefg@ggfgggfeffeffj@Jefferson MO fggeJefferson MO jggfeg@jepfigeeegfmjf @hkee B BGT3A$8=?eehmemffifi__NA__ e__NA__ hgiimimmmfggegff__NA__ Teaching students so they are well grounded in the material required of them for further education or being able to be employed. They should focus on education and not indoctrination. eeggggfThere are too many obstacles for a young teacher or any teacher to overcome. They are subject to discipline for not conforming to the whims of teacher unions and for not following the political line. Public school teacher unions are not interested in the students. I would advise a person interested in teaching to go teach in a private or parochial school. T@giifgfffggffggfffefg@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO eekje|@ifghffegefffe@fffep Bx BzUA `?eefmhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ gggghmffhmmmmgfg__NA__ n/a eeeeeee__NA__ ep@eeeeefeeffeefeeeefgf@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO eeeefii@gfefee@eggijffjeeee(1 B>1 BuG@A< ?emhmhhhemg__NA__ __NA__ fgggmgmmmefffgfe__NA__ STEM, critical thinking, financial education ffffeee__NA__ ef@eeefeeefeeefeeeefgfg@St. Charles MO gejfSt. Charles MO feiie@feeeee@femjfhk0 Befeef@ Bk@Apa?mhmhhhemg__NA__ __NA__ ggghmhmmmgfefgfh__NA__ Teacher salaries. eefeeefPoor pay and working conditions. Better opportunities in the private sector. efe@geeeeefeeefgggefgehfi@Jackson MO eifgJackson MO eeijenf@ggeeee`P@fnjfhk Bx Befeegm$9Aeeeehmf"(l?mfffff__NA__ e__NA__ hhfgmemmmfefegff__NA__ Nothing right now. I don’t have a child in school so maybe that will change once I do eeggggfLong hours, terrible pay, overbearing administration, no maternity leave. I just quit my job as a teacher for these reasons efgfe +@fffgffffefffefe@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijhfs MO ,@eiekefkkfeifo@hfhk@ B BF9AmSC?feeehgmfeeffe__NA__ h__NA__ gggghmffgmmmmefe__NA__ math and sciences eeeeggfcurrent political environment in many school systems efgfgf@fffgfffefffefe@^@Clinton fggfMO Clinton MO fegee@ieeofgiffegeeiu@ffge[ B B6AB2H?eeeemgmhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ fgghmgmmmefeggfe__NA__ Keeping politics out of school ffgfggfRepublicans making the profession dangerous (guns, fanatic cultists) and precarious (jail time for books/trans issues). efeeefeW@eefeeefeefefg@[@Cass MO fggeCass MO igeee@eefeeeeeeeojeA@gfee& B ; BHcAL_?fmffffe__NA__ f__NA__ hgghmfmmmfegegerUniversity of Missouri Teacher retention , discipline and learn how to write cursive! eeeegffTeachers in Missouri are not paid enough and do not have enough support from the districts they are in eegfn@efffefffeffffefeieee}@Randolph MO efeRandolph MO @fgieeiffkffehe@njfgf8E BМ BUAeeeehmf{<ٲf?mfeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hfffmfmmmfeeegfh__NA__ I think the teaching curriculum in public schools in general are leaning too far to the left. We need to teach education and moral values, not gender identity and social so called justice. eeeegeg__NA__ egfff@@fffgefffegffefg@e@gffeGreene MO Greene MgeeeO @efjigefkffeiee @feee1 B1 BWd.A"`+?eeeehmemfeffe__NA__ h__NA__ hfefmgmmmfefegerSaint Charles Not sureeeeeeeg__NA__ egefef@fffffffffffefe@St. Charfggeles MO St. Charles MO jffeeО@ggejefkffeiefj@ffjf B B 2A똇?eeehgmfffffg__NA__ g__NA__ hgfhemgehmmmmgee__NA__ I think the biggest priority should be having extra opportunities for the students who score as gifted and problem students should be completely removed from the classroom. ffgffffMy wife is a teacher and I see how hard she works and how unappreciated she is. The pay is horrible, the expectations are way out of hand, the support is not given by parents and often by the school districts, there is not enough discipline nor follow thr ough by administrators, and it has no longer become a safe environment for teachers. Plus, no one has the gaul to actually say that some kids are too stupid or disruptive to be allowed in the classroom. Sometimes for the betterment of the masses, you need to cut the fat, and in this case it is lazy, rude, and stupid. egeffff@ffffffffffefe@St. Charles MO fggeSt. Charles MO jfgeei@eenefjffeihojf@hkef B) Bm/ADÚ?eefmfmgfffh__NA__ e__NA__ gfefmfmmmfefgeef__NA__ Free meals eeeeffe__NA__ @@efefeffffffffeeffefe@R@Adair MOieeeeAdair MOfgfeig@foefjffegfejff@jfee0 BF B:A:}?eehmhhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ hhhhhmfffmmmmfee__NA__ Student safety and quality of life ffeeffe__NA__ e@ffeeeeeefeeefeeeefgei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO gfeejee @leeeeeM@efenjfhjefee B3 BDEAM;?fmhmhhhemg__NA__ __NA__ hgfhmgmmmefefgfh__NA__ I think my local school district should make it a priority to keep the students heavily involved in their extracurricular school activities, such as clubs and sports. I think when students learn to work together, they are more likely to do well with their classes as they get support and encouragement from one another to do well academically.geeefee__NA__ ee@eeeffeeffeefeffefffg@@St. Louis MO gejgSt. Louis MO gffieen @fefeee@@ggeefee] Befeef` BV.A۰MT7?mgmggggjgBernie Sanders __NA__ hhggmgmmmffefgff__NA__ Park Hill is doing pretty great as a whole. North Kansas City Schools needs to learn from their surrounding districts how to treat/ respect their employees. NKC Schools has humans with no windows or children making major decisions for all. Check out their current employment turnover rate for yourself. eeeeggfWorking in education is the only job, that I have knowledge of, where a person loses all of their basic human rights when they step into the role. It is a dangerous, low-waged, unappreciated and disrespected profession, daily. eee@geeeeefeeefeeeefffgg@{@Platte MO eiggPlatte MO fejeenf@ggjeee@S@fehefeW B@t BfgeehiQ2A@miffife__NA__ e__NA__ hhhghmeefmmmmeff__NA__ Teacher pay gggegge__NA__ eiffO@ffffeefffefffefefggej@Jefferson MO jfeJefferson MO О@eeeeehffjkjejh@ojfhj B` B>Afeeefhm̌U`?gghhem__NA__ h__NA__ ggfeemhfhmmmmefg__NA__ Alternative education, instructional technology eeeeeefThe current culture and the ways in which the educational landscape have changed make it a very political job right now, when it shouldn’t be efgfe@ffeeffeefeefefgj@fggeJefferson MO Jeffersojeffn MO @ejgimffjfeehef@gfef> B0] B3AAMkQ?ffeefimggggem__NA__ f__NA__ hhhhhmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ Teacher compensation ggggeefCompensation is low. eifgeg0@geefgeefeegeffi@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO iggfe@ieepfeeeeeeeoi@J@fhjeإ BX B=:A N?gfehmgmfggfjnot suree__NA__ hhggmgmmmffegefh__NA__ Actual education, not babysitting eeggggfLow pay, no respect, violent workplace efgfegfU@eeffeefeffefgW@Butler MO ieefButler MO heefei@giffgifjehfehe3@fgfg( B B3BGA?eehimfffffe__NA__ f__NA__ hgfgemefhmmmmefi__NA__ Not sureeeeeffe__NA__ @egffffffgfffgfeffeff@o@Livingston MO jeeefLivingston MO fgfefg@enffkffehgeiee@fffep Bp BAEAN)@efgmffiiem__NA__ f__NA__ gghfhmghhmmmmfff__NA__ Their students and their mental health eefeffg__NA__ e@p@gffeefeegfeeeeefefgf@@St. Louis MO ggejSt. Louis MO gfffjie@lfefee@eggehffifgees B B/Aڐ ?hgmfffffee__NA__ __NA__ hgiigmfffmmmmgff__NA__ no comment gfegggg__NA__ ei@e@ggffffggffeffffefefg@{@Platte MO geiePlatte MO efeeeih@ffjffeR@heejffe_ Bffeefl B*P9AR@gmhhhhemg__NA__ __NA__ ghhhfmfgfmmmmefe__NA__ preparing kids to become self supporting adults with job skills or college for those who want to move on to higher learning eeeeeee__NA__ eigP@eeggeefeeefeffifefggj@Jefferson MO ejeeJefferson MO figjigf@eeeeee@fejffgpQ Bm BffeegfԬ5AG?mfeeefi__NA__ e__NA__ feffemfefmmmmfff__NA__ Keep the LGBTQ/Trans foolishness out of our schools and out of our children’s minds. There are two sexes. People aren’t “assigned” one or the other at birth, they are created one or the other at conception. Trans thinking is dangerous, destructive and has no place in our schoolseeeeeee__NA__ eiff@ffffeeffeefffefeieee@@Taney MOgefTaney MO|@eeieilffjfjehe@njfhjP B( B9;Afeeehgm>?ffeeff__NA__ g__NA__ hhfffmfegmmmmefg__NA__ They’re doing a good job as is. eeeeeeg__NA__ egffg@@fffggfffefffefe@g@jeefHickory MO Hickory geffMO @egeilffkffeiee0@feee@' BPA B}=A8ʰ?eeeeemfmhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ ggggmhmmmffeegfe__NA__ None eefffffBecause the way society is now the crime rate is high fhggee@feeegeeegffefg@St. Louiehfes city MO St. Louis city MjgeffO @fijefeeeeeggef @eehe0 B i BO:Aa3)?feehmgmeeffe__NA__ e__NA__ hghgmfmmmfefeefh__NA__ Teachers and vocational studies eeegegfToo much restrictions on teachers, no way to discipline students, and low pay. eegffff@@ffgfffgfffefl@o@Livingston MO jeeeLivingston MO fgfeei @eekefkffeieefe@efef B6 B:A2yG?eehmgmgfiff__NA__ e__NA__ hhggmhmmmffffgeh__NA__ Education ggfeeeg__NA__ `@efffefffeeffeefffefeW@Butler MO ieefhButler MO ggfeie @enefjffehfegef3@iefe B B\x6A\?efmimghhem__NA__ f__NA__ ffhgmgmmmffeegeh__NA__ Helping children with learning disabilities, they should depend less on the computers and actually teacheeeeeee__NA__ e@fggefeeeffeefeffefgfj@Jefferson MO ggejJefferson MO fffeheeܞ@meefee@ejgoiffffeeep B B5A(~?hemffeffee__NA__ __NA__ hfggfmfeemmmmgff__NA__ Educating the students. History, math and science. Also bring back shop class. eeeeeee__NA__ ef@gfefffefffeefffefehf@W@Buchanan MO fefeBuchanan MO eeeieii@ffkffe @hffffeg Befeeh B?A?mfmeeefee__NA__ __NA__ hhggmfmmmfeeefff__NA__ I'm not sure I don't have any kids going to school. ffefgfe__NA__ ggf@ffffffefffefffefgjee[@Cedar MOfgfeCedar MOfeffjef@fkffeh@eeieee B Beeeeem7L9Apa?hmghhem__NA__ iLGBTQ rights ffgfmfmmmefefffe__NA__ Infrastructure and teacher pay eeeeege__NA__ effe@eeeeefeeefeefgfgehfe@St. Louis city MO jfgSt. Louis city MO @eeieenfeeeeefe@mjfhk B B"CAefeegmf:}?mghgfe__NA__ e__NA__ ggfgmgmmmggeefee__NA__ School security eeeefee__NA__ ehfffD@ffeeefeeeeffeff@ehfeSt. Louis city MO St. Louijgges city MO @ejeesefkeeefef@eeee B BDPAAG/f)S?egeehmfmgeife__NA__ e__NA__ hgfhmgmmmfgfegfe__NA__ Connecting with parents and with communities in ways that teach life skills. eeeegfe__NA__ gggfff`@fgegffffgffegf@St. Franieeecois MO St. Francois MO hhefe0@ifgfefkkjeheee@eeef BC B9Ab ف@eeefgmhhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ hhghfmghhmmmmgff__NA__ Increase funding for teachers, not athletic programs. We need kids that can critically think to build the future, encouraging brain damage instead using our tax dollars feels criminal.fffffffI want to be a teacher, and I only want to because I know I can be patient and survive poverty. There is little to no reward in the state of missouri for the abuse one must endure as a teacher. efgeegeA@eefeeefeeeefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO i{hfeeg@@iekfhgkeeeemjfJ@hkef B BN~5ACP(?eehmfmffffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffmfmmmfgfggfe__NA__ Genders eeeegge__NA__ @efeffffffefffefffefei@Jackson MO ehfeiJackson MO ffeege@elffjffeffefeeA@efee` Bw BEl@AtyrL?ehgmfffffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgfghmhhhmmmmgfg__NA__ Discipline, technology, teaching respect for teachers. ffgefge__NA__ e@fffefffeeffeefffefei}@Randolph MO eeeeRandolph MO feeefej@iffkff@eeeojfgiffee8 Bp-8 BʸKA);H?fgmfgffemf__NA__ __NA__ ffeghmfffmmmmffe__NA__ Making sure they teach subjects the students will actually use in life. Making sure our students are safe. And making sure our students are fed.ggggfffI have a friend who is a middle school teacher. She said although she makes good money, she can't afford her student loans. And she is considering another career because the kids are completely out of control and she gets no support from their parents. Sh e feels like the parents think the school is a daycare. ee@effffffefffefffjfggf@e@Greene MO fegfGreene MO feegiem̞@fgieee@gfpgeeeX Bfgeef@2 Bf B86A눍z?ffeeghmhhhhgjcornel west iGlobal Warming hhhhgmgggmmmmgff__NA__ Free meals ggggggfLow wages, high stress eiefee@@geefgeefeefefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jgeee@iiegfhhheeeeoi@@fgjfH? B^ Bz5A< ?feeffmffgghg__NA__ h__NA__ gfffhmffhmmmmffe__NA__ Math and scienceeeeeeefViolence in school egffeff@eeffeefeffefgY@Cape Girardeau MhffeO Cape Girardeau MO hfffeiȞ@iejfgheeeheffe@feeep B BK5Ag ?eefmhmghhem__NA__ g__NA__ ffggmhmmmefefefg__NA__ Teaching actual history. Not by coaches that just use worksheets. ggfffffTeachers who care are restricted to teaching only what is approved by someone else. They can’t use their education to produce their curriculum to teach in a way that science of education knows works. @eeeeegeeefeeefeegefeY@Cape Girardeau MO hffehCape Girardeau MO egfeie@mrfefkeegfeeee`!@eefeP Bh7 BlDAAMkQ?efmimghgem__NA__ e__NA__ ggfgmfmmmfffgeee__NA__ Giving our students the best education eeefege__NA__ ej@fffeffeefeeefeggeffhV@Boone MOffeeBoone MOggfeiee @oeeeee`@egfoifgiffee B B]2ǍU`?egmgfhheme__NA__ __NA__ fgffgmffgmmmmgfe__NA__ Making learning fun; improving test scores. ffeeffe__NA__ ef@feegfeeffeegeffeffhfV@Boone MOfeeeBoone MOgfejeio@feeeee`@geehffeP BffeehP BJA2yG?gmgffgfhe__NA__ __NA__ gghhhmgghmmmmgfe__NA__ Discipline, health food, more quality teachers eegefffChildren of this generation are disrespectful and undisciplined. Then the teachers can’t do anything about it.eeg:@fefffffffffgffeflhffY@Cape Girardeau MO ehgfCape Girardeau MO feieelf$@fjffeh@feffee Bp Beeeeem5Aei,?hmhhhem__NA__ iProtecting democracy ffggmgmmmefefgef__NA__ Lowering class sizes by hiring more qualified teachers at the highest possible salaries ffgggge__NA__ eife@>@eeeeefeeefeegefgehfei@Jackson MO ifgJackson MO @eejfipfeeeeeeeF@njfhk BP B5Aeeeehmfa3)?mfeefe__NA__ e__NA__ hgffmemmmfegegef__NA__ Making sure the woke ideology isn't being introduced to kids. Pushing anything aside from academics is not wanted or necessary. eeeeeefNot enough pay and the inability to have conservative views as a teacher in general. egffe@ffffefffefffefe@fggeSt. Charles MO St. Charjgfeles MO @eigejefkffeief@hffh B8 BGe>AP  5@eeeeemfmgfgem__NA__ g__NA__ fghhmfmmmffefgfe__NA__ Using School's in neighbor hood's instead of closing them. geeeeee__NA__ eiffff@fffgfffgfffefgi@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO ieffl@fgifeeeeegfee@P@eeee B Blѳ?miiiife__NA__ f__NA__ hhhhgmffgmmmmefe__NA__ Do not like ggggggg__NA__ giig!@gggggggggggggefeieee@@Scott MOhhfScott MO(@fefikkefkkfegk@okefl B  BG7Aeeeeemga3)?mgggem__NA__ e__NA__ eefemfmmmeefefee__NA__ Study and don't let the kids deviate eefeeee__NA__ eeefe @feeffeeegeeejff@e@gffeGreene MO Greene MgggeO @eieenffkffeege@geef B Bˈ=A-@j(?feeehhmffffff__NA__ h__NA__ hhhghmffgmmmmgfh__NA__ Basics - reading, writing, math, history levels and less on social justice issues/CRT. If children can’t read and write, they won’t be equipped to be leaders to make change in the future and will be easily manipulated. They need to be taught HOW to th ink, not WHAT to think. eegeegfTeachers unions are corrupt. There are more involved in politics instead of students and teachers’ wellbeing. gigfffk@ffgeffgefffeffi@Jackson ehfeMO Jackson MO igefe$@fekiefkffeifeeF@eeee* Bp< BOA?feehmfmeeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hhhgmgmmmfggegfg__NA__ College prep gggeggfIt has turned into a dangerous profession effffff@ffefffefffefe@St. Charles MO fggeSt. Charles MO jfefef@fehffkffeheeff@efff B ByDAuM:Z?eefhmggggem__NA__ f__NA__ ggfgfmffgmmmmeff__NA__ Teachers pay and the resources available for students and teachers fggeffe__NA__ @efffeggeefgeefeegeff@R@Adair MOieeeeAdair MOggfjie@eofgheeegheief@ifee8 B BgOAU NG @eefmfhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhhmffhmmmmffh__NA__ The graduation rates feeeeefBecause the teachers of today don't make enough for what they doe@eefeeeeefffeeeeeefeei@Jackson MO hfeiJackson MO eeeffei@gfeeee`P@eeffjeeefgee BH B(HA?hgmeheffee__NA__ __NA__ hgggfmgggmmmmfef__NA__ Getting back to normal effggge__NA__ eh0@hegffffefffefffefeehi@Jackson MO feifJackson MO efefheg@efkffeO@geoifgi[ Befeehv B[FAA)?mhmhhhfjgRamaswamy __NA__ hghhmfmmmffeffff__NA__ Cracking down on underage crime eeeeggfBecause its one of the hardest jobs with one of the biggest responsibilities, and you dont get a lot of love as a teacher. eifN@feffeeffffefffefgehfi@Jackson MO eigeJackson MO eefiegf@giggeg@F@eojfgk1 B`B BeeeefmvHA?gmfffem__NA__ f__NA__ ggggmhmmmgfefgff__NA__ Student attendance eeeeeefBecause they are kids to young would not have the type of an authority as an older person efgf@F@egeeefeeefegggfgfgge@@St. Louis MO jfeSt. Louis MO @efgifhfeeeeege@@mjfgj8x B@ B9AeeeefmguM:Z?mhhgem__NA__ f__NA__ ghfhmgmmmffefgee__NA__ TeachersffffeefLow pay, abuse from parents, no appreciation efffe@k@egeefgeefeeghff]@fggeClay MO Clay MO igef@iifefehgeeeefoS@ifhk B0 BFAڐ ?ehmemeeife__NA__ e__NA__ hfffmfmmmfefeefg__NA__ teaching not brain washing eegeeeg__NA__ e}@ihffffffefffefffefeh^@Cole MO ffeeCole MO eefefhip@iffkff@eieeieeeegee B B29A޽_O-?hmfmfeifee__NA__ __NA__ hhggmgmmmfgeegerHome school Remove dei and cry from the curriculum. Focus on the fundamentals to provide a good foundation in order to give students a better chance after graduating from high school. Include trade and technical classes to provide additional options in employment opp ortunities. Teach college preparatory classes and include more opportunities for in state community college. gggeegfToo much focus on social issues and not enough focus on the fundamentals of education. Teachers should teach more in according to approved foundational subjects and less on social issues. Teachers need to stop focusing on dei and crt. gf`@hfefffgeffgegffefefg@@St. Louis MO gejfSt. Louis MO eejgfjiԞ@eghkje@@geeiffl Befeef B/:Ar" ?mgmiighgg__NA__ __NA__ hgfgmgmmmfggfefg__NA__ I'm not sure. When I moved to MO from KY years ago my kids were in elementary school. The things they learned in the first year here they had learned in KY in prior years. I figured MO would be more advanced in the class room than KY. Don't know if MO has changed this or not. eeeegge__NA__ eife@fegfffffffffffefghffY@Cape Girardeau MO eheeCape Girardeau MO feggiff@ggeeeg`!@eehefg BC Befeeim%&Aヶi7?gmhhihjUnsure g__NA__ gghhmhmmmffefefe__NA__ Teacher salary ggggggfTeachers are abysmally underpaid. efff @eeeeefeeefeefhfghffeY@Cape Girardeau MO hgeCape Girardeau MO @feieeieefkjeeg@fffee B( B;Afgeefgmei,?hhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ ghegfmgfhmmmmgfe__NA__ Cost efficiency.eeeegge__NA__ ggfee@efeeffeefeeeefe@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijfges MO @ejgerfeeeeefeo@@ifgi B B|DA9?ffeehhmgfhhgg__NA__ g__NA__ hggggmffgmmmmgfg__NA__ Getting a better support system for the kids geeegge__NA__ eeffegc@ggefgeefeffefe^@Cole MO hffeCole MO egffe@ieeleghggeghei@fgjeZ Bl B2Ae?feegmgmiiihjNot sureg__NA__ hhhhmgmmmfgggffe__NA__ School safety eeeeeefDemand is high for little rewardeegfeef@eeffgefeffefg@St. Louis city MehfeO St. Louis city MO jhffej(@iekfghjeeghfgf@fieex9 B(N BJc5A< ?eefmhmghhem__NA__ f__NA__ fffgmfmmmgfefefg__NA__ The Jackson school district provided a great education and opportunities for our four children. The only issue I see now is that we need to keep our public schools and fight against privatization and school vouchers.fffgggg__NA__ `x@efeeeeeeefeeefeeehfeY@Cape Girardeau MO hffehCape Girardeau MO fgfeieܞ@lqfeeeeeeeojfh`!@kfge B B|UA_)?efgmhhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ ggiifmhhgmmmmgfe__NA__ Teaching history as it happened not minimizing difficult subjects like slavery, racism, and discrimination. Making sure children of all races and genders feel welcome and equal. ffffggfIt's a difficult job that pays poorly with little support from the government. e4@iifeeeeefeeefeeeefgfj@Jefferson MO ggejJefferson MO feeegii@hfggej@@efeojfhkefeeX5 B/5 B_HALxv^;?fmhmiiiemf__NA__ __NA__ hhggmhmmmffefgfi__NA__ I think my local school district should make a higher priority on cracking down on inappropriate staff. Children should not be around staff that treats them in inappropriate ways or have disgusting behaviors.eegeeeg__NA__ ee @fgeeeeefeeefeegffffg@@St. Louis MO gejwhSt. Louis MO efffiliP@fefkje@feoifgiX  Bffeef B*AAl&-?gmggggemg__NA__ __NA__ ghhghmgghmmmmffe__NA__ equalityeegggee__NA__ eeh@eggeeefeeefeffefgehf@St. Louis city MO ejfeSt. Louis city MO ffjgjhf@eeeeef`@feeeeep B  Bffeeff}DA:}?mffiiem__NA__ e__NA__ hhggfmfefmmmmfee__NA__ Modern teaching eeeeeee__NA__ egff@gefeegeeegeegefgehfe@St. Louis city MO jggSt. Louis city MO @eejeeneeeeeege@jefeex B B)5OAfgfehimlѳ?mimiiigee__NA__ __NA__ hhhhmgmmmffeggfe__NA__ Safety gggfggfKids nowadays really don’t have any respect and it can be very emotionally exhausting to do that Monday- Friday eig@gfgfeegfgeefffeflehf@St. Louis city MO ej~hgSt. Louis city MO fefienf4@ilffej@kefeeg B8 BeeeehmĨEA?hmieife__NA__ e__NA__ hghgmgmmmfgeggfh__NA__ Don't know I have no kids in school gggggge__NA__ gihf@fffffefffefffefegffe@e@Greene MO gfeGreene MO @feeejfffkffeie@pieee B BEAeeeehmf"(l?mfggfe__NA__ f__NA__ gfgfmfmmmeeeeffg__NA__ Education eeeefee__NA__ effef@ffffeffeefffefg@[@fggeCass MO Cass MO i|hff<@eiielffkkfeheeJ@fefeP B`* BEA);&?eeeeemgmhhhem__NA__ h__NA__ hhhhmgmmmffefffe__NA__ A high priority or keeping kids in school or stop giving him so many days are eefeefe__NA__ eehfef@eeeffeefeffefe@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO j|heff<@hiegfeekeeeeeg@@fegeX B BFAs>lѳ?ffefmfmgfgem__NA__ g__NA__ ghghmfmmmffefgee__NA__ Equality. The school struggles with this hard. There is a extreme amount of favoring. eeeeeefStudents are rude and parents dont do enough to raise there kids right. egffeef@@eefeeefeeeefgv@Nodaway MO ieeeNodaway MO f}hefef8@eeiefkefeggfffz@fjeg BP BFA-@j(?eehmimiiife__NA__ e__NA__ ggffmfmmmfgfegfh__NA__ Trying to get it's ratings up. I don't have any children and moved to this area to afford a house but the Ritenaur school ratings are terrible! I will have to move before having kids. ggggggfI hear the pay is absolutely terrible and you have to take home your work, not worth it.@@eifgefffefffefeffefg@@St. Louis MO fggejSt. Louis MO gffefi @ejffkffehhejef@@jeee B/ BFAn.?egmfmfghfe__NA__ f__NA__ efhgmgmmmefgggef__NA__ Savannah r3 efegefe__NA__ eP*@fffegfgeffegfgefefgh@W@Buchanan MO ffefBuchanan MO ggeefee@tefkff @ehfgeeegffee) B6 BFAe?fgmghgghjfNone of the above __NA__ hhfgemefgmmmmgff__NA__ Unknown ggggggfTeaching is a very difficult and taxing profession and the pay does not correlate appropriately ef`@ffegeeefeeefeefeffhfV@Boone MOfeehBoone MOgfejeen(@eggkee@@ffoifhj. BfgfeiG B++FAѢ ù?gmiiiifhe__NA__ __NA__ hihhhmgghmmmmffe__NA__ Education eeeeeffPay efh@g@fffffefffeefffefgehf@St. Louis city MO ejhgSt. Louis city MO fhjieqf0@fjkjeh@gefffgw B؃ Befeefm2FA iO ?hmhhhem__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhmhmmmffefgfg__NA__ Practical education that will apply to real life. Advanced maths should be electives. fffeeefBecause now it's too dangerous and Republican lawmakers don't care to make the job safer, or to give them a fair salary.eefg@egeeefgeefeggefgieeey@Pettis MO fgePettis MO @eefjegfeeeeeee@mjfhk B Br?FAfeeehfmQ?fffgfe__NA__ e__NA__ hhgfgmghgmmmmfeg__NA__ The children’s mental state eeeefee__NA__ efeff^@ffeeeffefeeeeff@d@jeefGasconade MO Gasconadeyhffe MO H@eiefmefkkfehfo@@hfff B B@FAC?feeeefmefgiem__NA__ e__NA__ ggfggmgfgmmmmefe__NA__ Small class size or more teachers geeegge__NA__ efffef2@ggefffefegfeffj@Jeffersofggen MO Jefferson MO jeefe@feigfeeeeegfef@@eeff B BMFA;upL @eeeeemeeeefe__NA__ f__NA__ eeeeemeeemmmmeeh__NA__ It suckseeeeeee__NA__ eeieeee@@eeeeeeeeeeefe@w@Oregon MO jeefOregon MO hgeeef@eehefkffeiefef @egeg B B[FAL0Y-?eehmfmfiife__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmimmmffffefe__NA__ I think we’re pretty taken care of in everything (besides toilet paper) gggggge__NA__ @ggggfffffefffefffeff@@Schuyler MO ieefeSchuyler MO xhgfegiL@enffkkfeikofee @ffee4 By ByFACc?eggmgggggjCornel West f__NA__ hgeghmhghmmmmgfe__NA__ Education is the foundation of our country. Proper education is essential to maintain a safe and healthy community eeegffe__NA__ e@ffeeegeefeeefeegefef@@St. Louis MO ggej|St. Louis MO hffeiie<@mfhhke@egfnjfhjefee B B{FA tr?hmgmgggfef__NA__ __NA__ hhihmgmmmffefgff__NA__ Definitely dealing with school bullies eeeefee__NA__ ee@gfeeffefeeeffffefgfg@@St. Louis MO gejhSt. Louis MO efefjff0@ffjfje @gfojfhk Bffeeh BFA-@j(?hmiihifeh__NA__ __NA__ hihiimhhgmmmmeef__NA__ Bring back actual teaching quit setting our kids in front of a screen. Crack open books again really teach if you want more pay as a teacher. And make it against school rules for a teacher to make kids write an apology letter for not getting their homewor k done and make it a violation for a teacher to yell, scream, belittle students.gggggge__NA__ fih@fgfffeeffgffffefgiee@@Taney MOeggeTaney MOfefijee@fkffei @foiffg B BeeeegmޖFA,?gmffgfe__NA__ e__NA__ hhhgmhmmmfgeeefg__NA__ Helping the children who are less fortunate and are struggling geeefffThey do not make very good moneyeegf@@effeeefffeeffeffjeef@u@Morgan MO gxhfMorgan MO L@fggiljffjkfehf`@oifhj% B5 BGAffeefgm+Œ?gfigfh__NA__ e__NA__ hhhghmghhmmmmfef__NA__ Making sure that children with behavioral issues get taken care of. eeeeeefThe way that the system has raised up these children alot of teachers don't get paid to deal with. eeffe@efffffeefefgefgi@ehfeJackson MO Jackson igffMO @fgjeleeeeeegeeP@efeeH BЮ BHAs>lѳ?fgeehgmffiife__NA__ e__NA__ hhfffmhfgmmmmeeh__NA__ Bringing God back into schools gggeggfPoor salary eigfef9@feegfffefffhffU@Benton MjeefO Benton MO ghefe0@eehgefkffehgee`@eeef B  BHA?feehgmfeefff__NA__ e__NA__ hgffhmffgmmmmgfh__NA__ Making sure they teach the kids the basic reading, history, writing, arithmetic and physical education and leave the rest to the parents. eeeeeee__NA__ eigfgff@@ffgfffgeffefl@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO jfefefĞ@eeiffkffehfpjf@@fief8 BP  BHA tr?fegmfmfiife__NA__ e__NA__ hhggmgmmmffgggfg__NA__ I think they should make the schools safer that should be the highest priority they should work on eefgeeg__NA__ p@effeggfeegfgggegfefg@l@Laclede MO ieefgLaclede MO {hefefi@@fgefkkjegfegef@iffe` B B{HHAs>lѳ?ehgmgiiife__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhimfgfmmmmeff__NA__ The students themselves for sureeegeeee__NA__ e@fffegeeefeeefeefefgj@Ste. Genevieve MO eefhzSte. Genevieve MO hefefjhD@ifghkf`@egfeiefjeeee B  B^THAڠ)h5@hmgmeegfeh__NA__ __NA__ hgggmemmmfefeefg__NA__ The quality of education provided. eeefffg__NA__ ehU@hffffffefffefffefeje@\@Chariton MO efe~hChariton MO feeheek4@ffkffe@hffifff Beeeeh BrWHAڐ ?mgmghihgh__NA__ __NA__ ggffmimmmgffeefe__NA__ Not sure. I think the smaller, more rural schools probably should consolidate. I would think that would save quite a bit of money, especially in administrative costs. Local schools have 10 or fewer students in some classes, yet there is a Principal, admin staff, cafetera for each small school. And teachers with very few students in their classes. gggffgg__NA__ efe@gefggeffgefegfefgjeee@Grundy MO efeeGrundy MO fefhghf|@hlffeg @eejffg( B BeeeehmjHA?gmefffe__NA__ e__NA__ hfffmfmmmfefeeee__NA__ Better tasting food for the kidsfeeeffe__NA__ efef@efffeffeefeffefejeef@f@Harrison MO ffgHarrison MO @fefeenefkffeifu@eiffg Bh BHAegeefmge?mgggem__NA__ g__NA__ giihmimmmffeggfe__NA__ The mental health of students ggggggg__NA__ eigee@egeefeeefeeeefgV@hffeBoone MOBoone MOehef0@ejilgfeeeeeffo`@jfhk s B BHA(Q?eeeehmemeeefg__NA__ g__NA__ hfffmimmmfeeeeee__NA__ no crt teaching ffffffe__NA__ eiffff@ffeefffefffefec@Franklinfggf MO Franklin MO eeeee\@fhiiffkffeheef@feffx BȰ BIAq~?eeeegmfghhem__NA__ g__NA__ hhhhhmefhmmmmfee__NA__ Teacher pay and child safety ffeefffThe pay is horrendous. The administration doesn’t support and back teachers. The treatment from students is awful. Lack of support in general isn’t worth it. efgfeff@fffffffeffefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO ihffei0@iejeeeeeefefifM@fhfg8 Bȋ B !IAfN?eegfmiiiihjAlexandria Ocasio-Corteze__NA__ hggggmfhgmmmmeff__NA__ Teacher salary gggeggfPoor pay#@efggeefeeffeefegfeff@v@Newton MO hfffgNewton MO xhefehiL@hffefkjefgoffg@@ieee@ B BSPIA-@j(?ehmemeeefe__NA__ f__NA__ ffeememmmeeeeeee__NA__ Bullies should have their own scz eeeeeee__NA__ e@feeffffeeffeeeefefgj@Y@Camden MO eefgCamden MO ggfefij @qefkff@eieeeeeeeeee BX B%}IACc@hmgmffffee__NA__ __NA__ hhggmhmmmfeeffee__NA__ I think the school should make preparation for real world experiences a priority before children graduate. eeeeeefI wouldn't advise a young adult to take up teaching because all the controversy with gender identity and things of that nature make it impossible to actually do the job you are supposed to do.ef @ffeffeefffeffffefefgj@Jefferson MO gejwhJefferson MO feefjelP@efkkfe@gfffefgL Bfeeehh^ BIA?imiiiifeg__NA__ __NA__ hhggemffgmmmmefe__NA__ sex education eeeeege__NA__ eff@fefffeffffffffeffjeer@Miller MO fgvheMiller MO fefjlffT@gikjeh@gogfgf BP BfffeggIA !Ge?mggfffe__NA__ e__NA__ hgeegmfggmmmmgeg__NA__ Programs for kids gffgfffDon’t get paid enough efff}@effffefffegffefgehfei@Jackson MO i~hfJackson MO 4@fjgeklefjfjeggC@ojfgjP B BIAegeeimgXe?migigjStill researchinfg so unsure __NA__ hgggmgmmmfgefefh__NA__ Safety eeeeffe__NA__ eifge@efeefgeefeefhff@Z@jeefCarroll MO Carroll f|hffMO <@efjhjfhgkeeefe @heef% BX Bs.JA[\@eeeehmhmffffe__NA__ itax freeze on seniors hhffmfmmmffeegfe__NA__ teachers' salary's ffgefge__NA__ eeefff@feeefffefffefe@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jffee@feejffkffeieeh@@fffep B Bn=JAs>lѳ?gfegmgmffffe__NA__ f__NA__ hgggmhmmmfgeeefrNot sureSafety eefeggfUnfair pay efgfeff }@gefffgfgffeff@St. Louis MO ehfeSt. Louis city MO j{hffef@@eelfgikfeggohf@giefH B( B|JA~"̡?eehmfmfiifi__NA__ e__NA__ hgfgmgmmmfeeeefi__NA__ Not just our particular school district, but schools in the country as a whole need to have better school lunch options. Other countries have fresh and healthy foods, while ours come straight out of a box. I would also like to see school lunches to be fre e. Every child has a right to eat and not be embarrassed that their parents couldn’t afford the extra money. feeegee__NA__ @efffeffeegffeegffeffj@Jefferson MO fggejJefferson MO hffege(@klehiffehfeffe@effep B BJA?ehimfeeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hhhghmgggmmmmgfg__NA__ I have never used the school system so I am not. Sure gggeggfBecause the younger generation is out of control and now being a teacher is dangerous ek@fgffffffefffefffefef@St. Charles MO ggejSt. Charles MO fefeffe@hffkff@eifeffeeefeeP B B KA].ؕ?fmhmhiieme__NA__ __NA__ ggfgmfmmmgeefgfe__NA__ Mental health in school and studying eeeegge__NA__ ef@efeeeeefeeefeeehfgfg@{@Platte MO gei}hPlatte MO efjgieh8@feeeeeR@fgpifgj(Q BfeeehXe B9/KA(Q?gmffggfef__NA__ __NA__ hgiigmhfhmmmmefe__NA__ Go back to shop class eefefffGo to a trade school eih@ffffffgfffffffefefgg@n@Lincoln MO feeeLincoln MO eefhihfT@fkffei@eojfhly B BeeeegmZKA:S?fmiiifg__NA__ f__NA__ hhgfmfmmmfgefgeh__NA__ Education about more real world experiences, set up our kids for success on their own eegeeee__NA__ efff @efffefffeffffefehffeY@Cape Girardeau MO h{heCape Girardeau MO @@fefjehegikgegf@fhfgk B BLAegfehmg:S?mghhgg__NA__ e__NA__ hgggmgmmmfgefefe__NA__ Helping all kids learn the way they need to and that fits them best. eeeeeee__NA__ eeffe@efeefffefggehfg_@jeefCrawford MO Crawfordhhef MO (@efiffeghkgejho@jfgj  Bh B6LA);&?eeeefmfmhigem__NA__ f__NA__ hhhhmhmmmffefffg__NA__ Better educationeefefffPay is not good for teachers here eeefeg_@feeffeefeeeefg@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO jyhfffH@giejfeekeeeeeh @ffff B ByMAfN?geefgmiiiiem__NA__ f__NA__ ggfghmghimmmmgfe__NA__ freedom of expression, personal creativity geeeeeg__NA__ effeegg@~@eefgeefeegffg@e@Greene MO gffeGreene MO gxhffegL@ifjfeekjefenhf@gjfe B B*MAe?eeffmhhhhem__NA__ g__NA__ gghhhmffhmmmmgff__NA__ Pay teachers a living wage eefeeefNo control. Unsafe @eeeeeeeeefeeefeeeeff]@Clay MO fggeiClay MO hgfeji(@enfefgeefenifhN@jeee B BWSMAbW[?egmgmgggem__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhmhmmmffffffe__NA__ stop closing the schoolsggggggg__NA__ e@@ehggggggggggggggefge@St. Louis city MO hfejSt. Louis city MO geffeif@gfeeef@egfoifejefee{ B  BcfMAd"{?gmgmgggeme__NA__ __NA__ hhghmhmmmffeffei__NA__ Schools, community gggeffe__NA__ eg @ffeefeeffeefegfefgfg@@St. Louis MO gejhSt. Louis MO efffife,@eeekee@gfeffeg8 Beeeef BuNACc?mfmhfgemf__NA__ __NA__ ggfgmfmmmffefefe__NA__ Education ggeefefNot good pay eff@fefffffffffegghfffgg@{@Platte MO ei{hePlatte MO feiiegf@@ilkeej S@gmjfhk  B BffeehiNA?miiiige__NA__ e__NA__ hhgfimgghmmmmefrNoyt sure we just moved here Not suregeeeggg__NA__ eihf]@effeeffeefeffefgjeef@Stoddard MO hfeStoddard MO @fefejhfghffejh@@egfee B B2TOAeeeehmfCc@mfgife__NA__ e__NA__ hgghmgmmmffeeeeg__NA__ I think they should increase their lunch program and provide more items eefegge__NA__ gfgff@ffeeffeeeeffefec@fggfFranklin MO Franklinehfe MO ,@efeemefkffegee@fefg Bh BWOACc@ffeehfmgggffe__NA__ e__NA__ hhgghmhghmmmmgef__NA__ Safety eefefefTeachers are very important in this country but are not paid as such efffef$@feeefffeeffefe@@St. Louifgges MO St. Louis MO j}hfee8@feemefkffegfeg@@ffge B8 BfOAd"{?eeefmgmiiiem__NA__ f__NA__ hgghmgmmmgggggfg__NA__ Giving kids a voice gggggge__NA__ efggggf@geffeegeefefgi@Jackson MO ehfeJackson MO i{hffff@@ielfefkeejheff J@eeefX Bp  BwOA1b?eegmgmhhigjNone g__NA__ hghhmhmmmffefgff__NA__ Arts and arts education efgefffDeprofessionalization of the career field. Teachers are not trusted to do their jobs properly and are micromanaged to the point of driving quality educators out of the profession `@eeeeeeeeefeeefeeehff@{@Platte MO fggeiPlatte MO hffhie0@emfggkeeffnifhI@kfff0 B; BOAXR\5?egfmfiiigh__NA__ f__NA__ hhhhgmffgmmmmfef__NA__ making it a resourceful environment eefgefe__NA__ e@fgfeffeegffeefffefff@@St. Louis MO ggejySt. Louis MO hfffhifH@meefkj @ejgefeeffeeeV Bl BOACc@hhmfffffee__NA__ __NA__ hgfffmghgmmmmgff__NA__ None ggeeeeg__NA__ eij@ffeffgeeffeefffefgie@R@Adair MOeeezhAdair MOeeefjmgD@fhikfe@hfnjfgkHo Bfgfeh BPA tr?fmeffffee__NA__ __NA__ ghhhgmfehmmmmgee__NA__ Children's future efgeffe__NA__ eee@ffffeeffeeffffefgiee@c@Dunklin MO fh}heDunklin MO fefiehe8@eekjei7@hffeeeh B BegeehmZPAfN?imfggfe__NA__ f__NA__ gfgfmfmmmfeeegfe__NA__ Keeping children and teachers safe. gfeggee__NA__ eefe@gefggfffgfeffefgjeef@i@Iron MO hyheIron MO H@fehiehffkkjegh@eiffjq B BxPAfeeeehmF??hhhhem__NA__ f__NA__ gghhfmhhgmmmmeff__NA__ Improving the technologyggeegge__NA__ efeee_@geeeffeefegfefe@@jeefVernon MO Vernon MghefO (@egihgfeeeeefee@jffe B! BAzQA!@eeeefmimiiiem__NA__ e__NA__ iiggmfmmmggegefe__NA__ I'm not sure how it's doing now in public schools, I can only hope they get better but schools should focus on teaching kids especially teenagers about just life and not subjects they probably won't end out doing in the future. gggeggfUnless you love kids and don't mind being paid minimum wage then be a teacher otherwise I wouldn't recommend it.egffee@fgeffeefeeeief@[@Cass MO fggeCass MO ixheeeL@eihefeekjefeeiA@ffjeP# Bh# BLRAa$?eeegmfmgggfe__NA__ f__NA__ hgggmhmmmeeeeeff__NA__ We need Better teacher better topics & better food eeeeeee__NA__ efeeeef@)@eefffefeeeefg@@St. Louis MO fggeSt. Louis MO j|hffff<@iemfeekfefeffe@efeg% B& BxRAB?eehmimeeife__NA__ f__NA__ hhhhmemmmffeegee__NA__ Education Monday through Friday 5 days a week not 4 geeeeee__NA__ @eheffffefefeeefffefg@Y@Camden MO jeefgCamden MO gefefg@egefjfjehkogee @iffeȄ& B0& BRAfN?ehfmeeeeff__NA__ e__NA__ hgigfmeffmmmmeff__NA__ Teaching children practical skills they can use in life eeeeegfLower burn out rates and better conditions in private schools e@iffeffffefffefffeffi@@Taney MOeeegyTaney MOhffegeeH@kffkkj@eieeeeegffeeN' B8d' BSAlE)pD?egmghiiemf__NA__ __NA__ hghhgmgfhmmmmefrHelena Not sureggggggg__NA__ ef@@gfeegeefgeefeeeifghfR@Andrew MO fff|hAndrew MO efegeki<@eeekeev@eeojfhk( Befeeg( B$SAm1tzF?mfmiffhjfNot sure__NA__ ighhmgmmmggeeefg__NA__ Safety of kids and teachers gggeggfDangerous an little pay or support efg@fegffffffffgfgefgfgg@St. Charles MO ejeeSt. Charles MO eefgjhf@gikfeg@fpiffi( B) Begeehm6SAs>lѳ?fmiiiff__NA__ e__NA__ hghhmfmmmfefegfe__NA__ Not being woke, and shoving woke doctrines in kids headseegeeefThe values of the younger generation are somewhat scued gfhff@fffffefffefffefgehfei@Jackson MO ihfJackson MO ,@fefekjefkkfehg@G@gfffl2) B_) B~SAfgeehhmlE)pD?hhhhhjMarianne williamfson __NA__ hhhihmgghmmmmgfrFestus Foods and nutrition for the kidseeeefefTeachers are over worked and under paid. They're also often not given enough supplies or help. eegfe@eeeefeeefeegffgj@fggeJefferson MO Jeffersojzhffn MO D@eheejfggkeeefe@heee`8* B`P* BƀSAlE)pD?ffeeffmfgggem__NA__ e__NA__ hhhhhmfghmmmmfef__NA__ They need to make sure students feel safer in school. eeeegge__NA__ efgfeg@fgefffefgefhfg@{@Platte MfggeO Platte MO i{hffe@@heemfeekeefeoj@S@fgke?* BN* BSAfN?geefmgmggiem__NA__ f__NA__ ggfgmgmmmffeggfe__NA__ student well being eeeegge__NA__ egffeef@gefgeefeefhff@St. Charles MO fggeSt. Charles MO jxhffegL@ifmfeekjefgnif@hkffXh* Bw* BSACc?eeghmgigihi__NA__ g__NA__ hgghhmfggmmmmffe__NA__ Teacher pay, also NOT banning books ggeeeee__NA__ @eeefegfeefffefegfefg@e@Greene MO gffegGreene MO {hffeii@@ljfgikeeffeeee@gefe* B* BSAfN?ehmfmffffe__NA__ g__NA__ hghgmfmmmfegeffg__NA__ Classroom supplies and electronics efeeeffNot paid enough e @effffffgfffgfgffeffiS@Audrain MO eeeeyAudrain MO hffegeeH@kffkkj @ehfeeeeefffeh* BH* BSAN@gimfiiigeh__NA__ __NA__ hhhhemfghmmmmefe__NA__ The teacher of the building gefeeefthe pay the environment etc ef)@hfgffeefffeggggeffeh@St. Louis city MO fejgSt. Louis city MO eefiieh@fileee@gkekffh>+ Beeeeh(+ B%VA[\@memfffffe__NA__ __NA__ ggggmfmmmfgeegff__NA__ Real education eeegggg__NA__ eii@fffffeeffeefffefgehfi@Jackson MO eifeJackson MO eeffhhfО@fjffeg@F@eeheff2 B`&2 BeffefmVA^?fmfffem__NA__ e__NA__ gghfmfmmmeeeegfe__NA__ Nothing eeeeggfDon't see common interest in that career with young adults I know. gfff@effeeffeefeeehffehfe@St. Louis city MO jgeSt. Louis city MO @efgihhfeeejehg`@oifgjHL2 BH_2 B|VAeffefmgL)F?mhggfe__NA__ e__NA__ hhghmhmmmffefgee__NA__ Kids safety and education eeeeeefMy best friend is a teacher and she is grossly underpaid and not supported efffe`@gfeefgeefeggefg@@fggeSt. Louis MO St. Louijggfs MO @efiknefjeeeffo@iffgȗ3 B3 BVAfN?fgeefgmghggem__NA__ e__NA__ hggghmghhmmmmefg__NA__ making sure kids get involved eeeeeeg__NA__ efffee@geefgeefegfeff@c@Dunklin ieefMO Dunklin MO hxhefeL@gilefggkjegfoi .@ffif,5 BF5 BP[WA;upL @eeehgmggfife__NA__ g__NA__ hgghgmgggmmmmeef__NA__ the safety of the kids gggefgfbecause it had to be one of the most stressful jobs eigffff@fgeffgefffefe@~@Ray MO fggfRay MO fgfeef@ielefkffeheeieI@egV7 Bs7 B