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Grading Policy

Grading Definitions

A+ (4.0 quality points)
Truly exceptional understanding of subject matter and truly exceptional mastery of skills of the course
*A rare grade, it is not the case that the top student in each class will earn this grade.
A (4.0 quality points)
Excellent understanding of subject matter and mastery of the skills of the course
A- (3.7 quality points)
B+ (3.3 quality points)
B (3.0 quality points)
Good understanding of the subject matter and good deployment of the skills of the course
B- (2.7 quality points)
C+ (2.3 quality points)
C (2.0 quality points)
Minimally satisfactory understanding of the subject matter and minimally satisfactory deployment of the skills of the course
C- (1.7 quality points)
D (1.0 quality points)
Less than satisfactory understanding of the subject matter or less than satisfactory deployment of skills of the course
F (0.0 quality points)
Basic failure in understanding the subject matter or basic inability to deploy the skills of the course.

*Skills of the course are analytic problem solving skills ordinarily, but also may include drafting skills, oral presentation skills, etc.

Grades Not Included in G.P.A.

Compilation Grades earned for Directed Research, Moot Court Board, and courses taken outside of the School of Law will not be calculated in the student's G.P.A. An "X" will appear for this course on the student's transcript.

Pass/No Pass Grades

A grade of "P" or "NP" is assigned in courses graded on a pass/no pass basis. Grades of "P" and "NP" are not computed in the G.P.A., although the credit hours for grades of "P" are counted toward the hours required for graduation. Students do not have the option to choose to take a class on a pass/no pass basis if the faculty member has designated that class as being graded with a letter grade.


Students unable to complete course requirements during the semester may request a grade of I (Incomplete) from the faculty member. If all course work is not completed within one year of the end of the semester when the incomplete is assigned, the student will be given a failing grade for the course. Exceptions due to extraordinary circumstances may be granted by the Dean of Students in consultation with the faculty member. Students in their final semester of law school cannot be granted an extension of time to complete course requirements unless their graduation date is postponed.